Tuesday, December 15, 2009

WL Council Meeting Agenda Amended

In a surprise today, WL Council has had its' meeting agenda amended as follows:

Items withdrawn:

1) That the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated December 11, 2009 outlining the appointments of Mayor Kerry Cook for Council appointments of Portfolios, Standing Committee Delegates, Ad Hoc/Select Committees and Community Committees for the 2009/2010 term be received for information

See my previous blog entry on this item:


2) That pursuant to the report of the Planner dated December 3, 2009, Council accept the application from Westridge Ventures to amend City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825 by changing the zoning of the Remainder of Lot A, Plan PGP43545, District Lots 8841 and 8842, Cariboo District from Manufactured Home Park (R-5) to Single Family Residential (R-1) subject to the applicant submitting a detailed geotechnical report and subdivision servicing plan from a professional engineer, including a storm water management plan, fire flow calculations and servicing details for water, sewer and storm services; and further, Council give first reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2107 and the application be referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for their comments and recommendations

City Staff typically will ask the Mayor/CAO to approve withdrawing items from the Agenda if there are issues pertaining to an agenda item that need further work prior to Council considering the item or items

Hopefully, Mayor Cook will speak tonight as to why Item #1 was withdrawn as I am interested myself as to why Mayor Cook felt the need to withdraw the item

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