Wednesday, December 16, 2009

WL Council Meeting Highlights - December 15th, 2009


Mayor Cook with Councillors Montoya, Barr, Walters, Bourdon and Zacharias


Councillor SPS Rathor

Staff Present:

Sue Moxey - Director of Corporate Services
Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning & Operations
Tom Chung - IT Manager
Anne Burill - Social Development Manager

Meeting called to order at 7:30pm

Minutes of Dec 1st, 2009 Council meeting adopted


1) Performance by the Sugar Cane Drummers (Williams Lake Indian Band)
2) Christmas Carols 'Reindeer Boogie' and 'The Climb' Performed by Cindy Lightfoot and LeRae Haynes, and Joined by Carmen Williams, Megan Law, Mackenzie Howse, Danielle Schultz and Stevie Fitz-Gerald for 'The Climb'
3) Chief Joe Alphonse, Tl'etinqox-T'in (Anahim) Government - Greetings to Mayor and Council

• Thanked Council for inviting him to address them
• Mayor Cook presented Chief Alphonse with a card of appreciation

4) Bob Sunner, President, Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area (WLCBIA) re: Downtown Surveillance Camera Project

• All steps completed prior to Stage 1 completion and formally requests release of the $50,000, being held in trust, for this project
• Thanked all partners, including the City of Williams Lake, for making the new facility at 3rd Avenue and Oliver Street (old Petro-Can station) a reality. Grand Opening: Spring of 2010
• Presented the first months’ rent to Councillor Barr (Council’s Finance Portfolio Chair)

5) Judy O'Neill, Manager, Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area (WLCBIA) re: "Community Corner" Update


1) Council approved a 1-year extension to the RCMP Operational Support position and the hiring of a PRIME Coordinator position effective January 1, 2010 at a total cost of $120,000.

2) Council appointed Cindy Bouchard as Acting Corporate Officer for the City of Williams Lake upon the retirement of Sue Moxey, Director of Corporate Services, with authority to undertake the statutory duties of Corporate Administration under the Community Charter, pending the recruitment of a Manager of Legislative Services.

3) Council appointed Mayor Kerry Cook as CRD Director for Williams Lake for 2010, in accordance with Section 784 of the Local Government Act. Councillor Sue Zacharias was appointed Alternate CRD Director for Williams Lake for 2010, in accordance with Section 786 of the Local Government Act. Councillor Surinderpal S. Rathor was appointed as the Second Alternate City Director to take the place of Mayor Kerry Cook and Councillor Sue Zacharias

4) Council approved the Memorandum of Understanding as proposed by the Cariboo Regional District for a shared Emergency Social Services (ESS) role

5) Council received the information package from the Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area (WLCBIA) regarding the surveillance camera project and the information will now be forwarded to the Ministry of Public Safety & Solicitor-General with a request to authorize release of the $50,000 grant to the WLCBIA; and further, Council reaffirmed the commitment of the previous Council to provide in-kind assistance toward the installation of camera components in the downtown area. (Delegation #4 from earlier tonight spoke to this item)

6) Council awarded the contract for the supply of unleaded gasoline and diesel fuel to Petro Canada for the tendered price of 0.9244 per litre and 0.9431 per litre respectively, including tax, based on a yearly consumption of 70,000 litres each.

7) Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2085 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2086 (Jamboree Hotel Project – BC Housing) were reconsidered and adopted.

Mayor Cook declared a conflict of interest on the next item as she is a resident of Woodland Drive and Councillor Geoff Bourdon, as Acting Mayor, assumed the Chair at 8:18pm

8) Council approved retaining TRUE Consulting Group to complete preliminary design for Option 1 of the sanitary proposal and Option 3 of the water proposal for the Woodland Drive infrastructure extension, including installation of a 250mm diameter watermain for future use, for a cost of $64,430.00 plus GST; and further, Staff were authorized to investigate any funding opportunities that may be available for this project and begin a public consultation process with affected property owners on Woodland Drive

Mayor Cook re-entered Council Chambers at 8:24pm and reassumed the Chair

9) Council agreed to provide a letter of support to Community Futures and the British Columbia Community Forest Association (BCCFA) for their application for REDI funding to aid in the development of a program to help strengthen the relationships between post-secondary research, teaching and Community Forests in rural BC

10) Council agreed to send a letter to the Williams Lake Field Naturalists advising that they have no objection to the proposed renovations to the Scout Island Nature Centre, the enclosing of the present outdoor porch for an indoor educational room and construction of an outside viewing platform and exit stairs, subject to the appropriate permits being obtained.

11) Late Item – Council received the 2010 Strategic Budget Direction document

12) Late Item #2 - Council approved City of Williams Lake participation with the Cariboo Regional District and other member municipalities at the Richmond O-Zone BC Street initiative during the 2010 Olympics; and further, that up to four Staff be permitted to staff the BC Street booth on a voluntary basis and have the use of City vehicles for travel to and from Richmond

Announcements by Mayor & Council:

Councillor Montoya – reviewed her 1st year on Council
Councillor Barr – reviewed the past year serving on Council
Councillor Walters – reviewed her 1st year on Council
Councillor Bourdon – reviewed his 1st year on Council
Councillor Zacharias – reviewed her 1st year on Council
Mayor Cook – reviewed her 1st year on Council


Meeting adjourned at 9:07pm and reconvened In-Camera, in accordance with Section 90(1 “e” and “j”) of the Community Charter

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