Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Highlights - Jan 19th, 2010


Mayor Kerry Cook (Committee Chair) and Councillors Bourdon, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias


Councillors Tom Barr & Natalie Montoya

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning & Operations
Anne Burill – Social Development Manager
Randy Isfeld – Director of Protective Services
Deb Radolla – Manager of Active Living
Cindy Bouchard – Acting Corporate Officer

Meeting called to order at 6:33pm


Minutes of the November 24th, 2009 Committee of the Whole Meeting were adopted


F2 – CRD/City of WL Phase 2 Rural Fire Protection Agreement

The Director of Protective Services reviewed his report with the Committee

The Committee recommended to Council –

That Council approve the Fire Boundary Phase 2 Expansion Agreement between the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District and the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the City”


Director of Protective Services left the meeting at 6:40pm

A1 – City Policy Review

Discussion ensued thereon by Committee members. The CAO reviewed Sue Moxey’s report with the Committee

The Committee recommended to Council –

“That Council declare redundant the Policies identified by the Director of Corporate Services and further, Staff bring forward recommendations to update remaining City Policies to reflect current processes and practices.”


F1 – 2010-2014 Financial Plan Review

The CAO reviewed the report of the General Manager of Corporate Services with the Committee

The Committee recommended to Council –

“That Council receive the 2010-2014 Financial Plan Schedule Report for information.”


D1 – Secondary Suites

The Manager of Social Development gave a Powerpoint Presentation to the Committee on the subject of Secondary Suites

The Presentation included:

• Definition of “Secondary Suites”
• What a Secondary Suite Policy seeks to accomplish
• Why Secondary Suites are becoming more popular & benefits of Secondary Suites
• Best Practice Guidelines from other communities on a Secondary Suite Policy
• Issues/Questions on developing a Secondary Suite Policy
• Public Engagement Approach – Community Meetings, Fact Sheets

Discussion ensued thereon by Committee members

The Committee recommended to Council –

“Council receive the report of the Manager of Social Development and Staff report back to Council on Staff, Financial and Revenue Implications with regard to a Secondary Suite policy


D2 – Water Advisory Committee (Proposed Amendment to its’ Terms of Reference)

Discussion ensued thereon

The Committee recommended to Council –

That Council endorse the recommendation from the Water Advisory Committee and approve amending the Terms of Reference to allow for an increase from 6 to 7 members; and further, Dan Colgate be appointed as a member of the Committee.


C1 – Community Arts Council (Financial Status Report)

The CAO reviewed his report with the Committee

Discussion ensued thereon by Committee members

The Committee recommended to Council –

“Council receive the December report from the Community Arts Council, Staff discuss with the Community Arts Council the outstanding $9,163 back rent and Council approve occupancy of studio space in the old Fire Hall for the Spinners/Weavers, Potter’s Guild and Artists Society and office space for the Community Arts Council at a rental rate to be negotiated and approved by Council”


C2 – City Parade Float

The Manger of Active Living reviewed her report with the Committee

The Committee recommended to Council –

“That Council endorse Option “B” (Purchase of a 16 – 20 foot tandem axel car trailer) as outlined in the report of the Manager of Active Living dated December 2nd, 2009”



The meeting adjourned at 8:36pm

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