Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Steve Rant - Outcome of Jan 19th Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Meeting

Last night, WL Council, meeting in Committee of the Whole had a good and healthly discussion on a variety of subjects including:
  • Draft Secondary Suite Policy
  • 2010-2014 Financial Plan - Next Steps
  • Purchase of Tandem Trailer for the City's Float
  • Community Arts Council's Financial Status

However, it was unfortunate that Councillor Walters chose not to remove herself from the meeting when the issue of the Community Arts Council came up for discussion. Now, it is well know that Councillor Walters has been, at one time, a member of the Studio Theatre Society. It is also known that she spoke at the last AGM of the Community Arts Council.

From an ethical point of view, she would have done herself a huge favour by taking the "high road" and remove herself from any discussion involving the Community Arts Council, especially if it involves City or Central Cariboo tax dollars. Doing this would have ensured that she can continue to advocate for the Arts community but without opening herself up to questions about potential conflicts. Sadly, this probably won't be the last time that I comment on a situation like this involving the Community Arts Council and Councillor Walters. Mayor Cook could have easily solved a situation like this by not appointed Councillor Walters to be in charge of the Arts & Culture File on Council.

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