Wednesday, January 27, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - January 26th, 2010

Present: Mayor Cook with Councillors' Rathor, Montoya, Walters, Bourdon and Zacharias

Absent: Councillor Tom Barr

Staff Present:

B. Carruthers - CAO
D. Lazzarin - GM of Corporate Services
T. Chung - Manager of IT
C. Bouchard - A/Corporate Officer

Meeting called to order at 7:33pm
Minutes of January 12th, 2010 Council Meeting approved


1) Mayor Cook presented Grant Martin with a Certificate of Recognition in respect of his years’ of service as the RCMP Detachment Commander – City of Williams Lake.


1) Council authorized the scheduling of a Public Consultation Meeting on Wednesday, February 10th, 2010 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers, in regards to an OCP Amendment Application from Andrew Roe – Townhouse Complex – 1526, 1530, 1534 Broadway Avenue South

Mayor Cook declared a conflict of interest on the next item, as she is a resident of Woodland Drive. Acting Mayor Geoff Bourdon took the Chair

2) Council authorized the scheduling of a Public Open House on Thursday, February 4th, 2010 from 2pm to 7pm in Council Chambers to consult with Woodland Drive residents’ around extending Water/Sewer services to Woodland Drive

Mayor Cook returned to Council Chambers and resumed the Chair

3) Committee of the Whole Recommendations:

• Council declared redundant the Policies identified by the Director of Corporate Services and Staff was asked to review and update the remaining policies to reflect current processes & practices and bring them forward to Council for approval
• The 2010-2014 Financial Plan Schedule was received for information
• Council approved the Fire Boundary Phase 2 Expansion Agreement between the City of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District and the Mayor and Corporate Officer was authorized to sign the Agreement on behalf of the City
• Council endorsed the recommendation from the Water Advisory Committee and approved amending the Terms of Reference to allow for an increase from 6 to 7 members; and further, Dan Colgate was appointed as a member of the Committee
• Council authorized Staff to discuss with the Community Arts Council a strategy to reimburse the City for outstanding rent and report back to Council; and further, approval was given for occupancy of studio space in the old Fire Hall for the Spinners/Weavers, Potter's Guild and Artists Society and office space for the Community Arts Council at a rental rate to be negotiated and approved by Council.
• Council referred to the 2010 Budget Process - $20,000 purchase for a tandem axel car trailer and construction of a new permanent City parade float

4) Council received a letter from Province of BC Environmental Assessment Office regarding a Environmental Assessment Certificate for the Prosperity Mine Project, issued by the Provincial Government

5) Council agreed to provide a letter of support for Shaw TV to the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC)

6) Council agreed to write a letter to Shaw requesting an update from Shaw’s Regional Programming Manager on:

• Analog to Digital Equipment
• Editing Equipment
• Local Programming Coordinator

7) Council received a letter from FCM regarding a call for municipal solidarity with Haitian communities and earthquake relief efforts be received and the community was encouraged to become involved

8) Council authorized the BC Indoor Rodeo Association’s $2,000 2010 Grant-in-Aid to be paid early, in accordance with Grant-in-Aid Policy No. 18

9) 2 Proclamations were issued by Council:

• Kidney Health Month – March 2010
• Family Literacy Week – January 25-31, 2010

Information/Announcements by Council Members:

Council members made announcements about issues/events on going in Williams Lake

• Olympic Torch Relay event on Thursday
• Cindy Bouchard’s promotion as the City’s Manager of Legislative Services
• Darcy Lazzarin’s retirement as the City’s General Manager of Corporate Services


The meeting adjourned at 8:40pm

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