Saturday, February 6, 2010

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Highlights - Feb 2nd, 2010

WL Committee of the Whole Highlights – Feb 2/2010 (Meeting held in Committee Room #1 – WL City Hall)


Mayor Cook, Deputy Mayor Rathor and Councillors Montoya, Zacharias, Barr and Bourdon


Councillor Laurie Walters

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Anne Burill – Social Development Manager (left meeting at 6:40pm)
Darcy Lazzarin – General Manager of Corporate Services
Lilliana Dragowska – City Planner (left meeting at 6:40pm)
Jeff Bernardy – Engineering Technologist

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

Minutes of Jan 19th, 2010 COW Meeting adopted

Item D2 – Social Development Manager & Planner – Verbal Update on Innovator’s Summit

City Planner and Social Development Manager advised the Committee on plans for an Innovator’s Summit

Item A2 – WL RCMP Detachment Annual Performance Plan for 2010/2011

Staff Sgt Warren Brown reviewed with the Committee Plans/Priorities of WL RCMP for 2010

A Question and Answer period ensued with the Committee

Mayor Cook, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Staff-Sgt Warren Brown for his presentation

Item D1 – Commercial Access Study for Prosperity Ridge – report from TRUE Consulting

A Powerpoint Presentation ensued

A Question and Answer Period ensued

The Committee then recommended to Council:

“That Council receive the Commercial Access Study, Summary Report prepared by TRUE
Consulting Group dated January 15th, 2010; and further;

That Council direct staff to work with the Ministry of Transportation and the Pioneer
Development Group to identify a preferred access option and potential funding scenarios and report back to Council.”


Item A1 – North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) – Resolution Deadline of March 5th

The Committee reviewed ideas to submit as Resolutions for debate at the 2010 NCLGA Conference:

• Drugs & Mental Addictions Facility
• Possible Loss of French Immersion Program

CRD Board to be advised of above to prevent duplication
Item to return to next Committee of the Whole Meeting for further discussion

Item F1 – 2010 City of WL Draft Budget Review

Review of Revenue and Expenditures to date

Revenue vs Expenditure Gap of $750,000. Next Budget meeting on either Monday Feb 15 or Wednesday Feb 17. Staff to coordinate with Council members

The Committee discussed targets for property taxes increases and utility rate increases for 2010 for budgeting purposes.

Property Tax Increase (Target Range) – 3-5%
Utilities Rate Target Increase – 25%

Item D3 – Report of Councillor Rathor re: Wood First Resolution

The Committee discussed Councillor Rathor’s report on a Wood First Resolution

The Committee agreed to refer Councillor Rathor’s report to Public Works & Development Services Portfolio for review and the Wood First Resolution be considered at the March 9th Council meeting

Councillor Rathor opposed


The meeting adjourned at 8:33pm

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