Saturday, March 27, 2010

Adrian Dix visits the Cariboo-Chilcotin

Yesterday, Vancouver-Kingsway NDP MLA Adrian Dix was in 100 Mile House & Williams Lake at NDP sponsored events.

An article on Mr. Dix's visit in Williams Lake can be found here

However, he, like his fellow NDP MLA's, hangs on to the past when describing past & current wrongs of the BC Liberal Government including:

* legislation stripping contract rights of workers from the Hospital Employees Union (note - provincial government & HEU workers have now come to an agreement after the Supreme Court of Canada declared Bill 29 - 2002 illegal)

* BC Liberal Party lied to voters on the HST in the 2009 Provincial General Election

I find that the NDP hanging on to past wrongs, especially those committed in 2002, as truly sad and shows that the NDP have no vision for this Province

On the subject of the HST, I find that the BC Liberal Party did not lie to the voters as I submit it was something that was not contemplated at that time however, as the Premier points out rightfully, sometimes when the facts or situation changes, then you must change your position as well.

Stay tuned for more NDP members to tour in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Riding in order to reclaim this riding back from the BC Liberals. However, and I'm biased here, I believe that the BC Liberals will hang on to the riding in 2013 and get Cariboo-North and Fraser-Nicola back into the BC Liberal camp in the 2013 Provincial General Election as we will demonstrate during that election that the BC Liberal Party has a positive vision for the Province, compared to the NDP's "Negative, Destructive and Pessimistic" vision for the Province

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