Saturday, March 27, 2010

Steve Rant - Agenda Item: Changes to WL Council Procedure Bylaw

On Tuesday, WL Council, meeting in Committee of the Whole, will be considering a report from the City's Legislative Services Manager regarding amendments to the Council Procedure Bylaw

Such amendments include:

* Formally authorizing use of electronic means at Council or Committee of the Whole meetings, with the restriction that it may be used only 4 times per year

* Moving the start time of Council Meetings from 7:30pm to 6:00pm

I am of the view that some of the proposals are contrary to the public interest for the following reasons:

1) Moving the start time from 7:30pm to 6:00pm could prevent the public from watching Council deciding on issues to which the public has an interest in (as most know, people just get off work at 5-5:30pm, and depending on where they work, there would not be sufficient time for them to get home and come to Council Chambers prior to the 6:00pm Council meeting). The best thing to have done would be to move the meeting time to 7:00pm and when done in conjunction with a Public Hearing, then Council could hold a Public Hearing and then immediately convene the Council Meeting so the public could see what Council's decision is on a Planning Application (OCP or Zoning Amendment)

As a rhetorical question - Does WL Council intend to change the Public Hearing time to suit their schedule??

2) Restricting the use of electronic means at Council/Committee of the Whole Meeting to 4 times per year is, in my view, a grave restriction on the rights and privileges of a Council Member. If the need is required for a Council Member to participate in a meeting electronically because they are either sick or away on City Business, then they should be allowed to use this tool whenever the need arises and not have a restriction placed upon them

In addition, Council should be posting their public meeting notices on the City Website and this should be authorized in the Council Procedure Bylaw. Quesnel Council has already authorized this in their Procedure Bylaw since 2004 and has worked out quite well. This would enhance the public's knowledge around what Council is up to

Click here for more information

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