Tuesday, March 30, 2010

BC Finance Minister introduces Provincial HST Legislation

This afternoon, BC Finance Minister Colin Hansen introduced Bill 9 - Consumption Tax Rebate and Transition Act which is the provincial enabling legislation for the HST to formally go ahead. The Federal Parliament has already passed its' legislation to enable the HST federally.

However, in an not entirely surprising move, the NDP called for and got a division vote on introduction and first reading of Bill 9, which passed by a vote of 47-34. Cariboo-Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett voted in favour of 1st Reading of Bill 9 while Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson voted against 1st Reading of Bill 9

Second Reading debate on Bill 9 could start as early as tomorrow. Finance Minister Colin Hansen also advised the Speaker (Hon. Bill Barisoff) and the House that the government intends to have this legislation (Bill 9) passed not later than April 30th, 2010

The contents of Bill 9 can be found here

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