Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Statement of Claim - Duncan Barnett vs. Janis Bell, Jon Wolbers, Ronda Wilkins, John Doe, Jane Roe and the Cariboo Regional District

This afternoon, I received a full copy of the Statement of Claim in the civil case of Duncan Barnett v. Jon Wolbers, Ronda Wilkins, Janis Bell, Cariboo Regional District, and John Doe & Jane Roe

I should point out that this is a public document and can be accessed at the local Court Registry or online (note - you will have to pay a $12.00 fee to access the document)

Although I will not repeat verbatim the allegations contained in this Statement of Claim as they are unproven at this stage, I will say that it pertains to certain actions of the Regional District going back to October - December 2008 involving the Area 'F' Director

I feel sorry for the Supreme Court Justice who has to preside over this case as it will be a more complicated case that the one that Area 'F' Director Duncan Barnett initiated in 2009 against the Cariboo Regional District, but I will be personally watching this one to see what happens

To the best of my knowledge, the Cariboo Regional District has not filed a Statement of Defence but I fully expect that they will do so in the days and weeks ahead

If you wish to see a full copy of the Statement of Claim - please contact me at sforseth@shaw.ca and I'll be glad to provide you with a copy of it

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