Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Committee of the Whole (WL Council) Highlights - March 16, 2010


Mayor Cook, Deputy Mayor Rathor and Councillors Montoya, Zacharias Barr, and Walters


Councillor Geoff Bourdon

Staff Present:

Brian CarruthersCAO (left meeting at 6:28pm and returned at 6:49pm)
Cindy Bouchard – Manager of Legislative Services
Brad McRae – Senior Bylaw Officer (entered meeting at 6:55pm)

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm

Minutes of March 2nd, 2010 COW Meeting adopted


1) Tracey Elkins re Appointment of Council Member to Squaw Hall Community Arts Project Advisory Committee

• Training for aboriginal youth to start on April 10th, with training to focus on making of videos and arts with youth to videotape their own stories
• Looking for WL City Council member to sit on this advisory committee, with 7 members already serving on the advisory committee
• Project will be completed by July of 2011

A Question and Answer Period ensued with Ms. Elkins
Mayor Cook, on behalf on the Committee, thanked Ms. Elkins for her presentation

The Committee recommended to Council:

Councillor Laurie Walters be appointed to the Squaw Hall Community Arts Advisory Committee

2) Harold Stolar – Acting District Manager of Central Cariboo Forest District regarding Wood First Program Presentation

• October 2009 – Wood First Act passed by provincial Legislature
• Finland, France and New Zealand has “Wood First” policies and BC is the 1st North American jurisdiction to have a “Wood First” policy
• The Act is intended to promote a “culture of wood”
• Central Interior of BC very dependent on wood industry with areas like Kootenay, Northwest and Southwest BC less dependent on the wood industry
• Wood is very environmentally friendly as it has the least impact on the environment according to a study conducted by the Athena Institute
• Every 1 tonne of wood used in construction saves 5.7 tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released
Municipal projects that receive provincial funding (unconditional support) must comply with the terms of the Wood First Act including school districts and health authorities
• Wood Buildings demonstrated to last longer than Steel or Concrete Buildings, according to a Athena Institute study
• More info on Wood First initiative can be obtained at http://www.for.gov.bc.ca/mof/woodfirst

A Question and Answer period ensued with Mr. Stolar
Mayor Cook, on behalf of the Committee, thanked Mr. Stolar for his informative presentation


1) Wood First Act – Report & Analysis

The Senior Bylaw Officer & CAO reviewed this item with the Committee

The Committee recommended to Council:

THAT Council endorse a “Wood First Resolution” in the form passed by the City of Prince George

2) Solid Waste & Recyclables Management Bylaw No. 2115

The CAO and Senior Bylaw Officer reviewed this item with the Committee

The Committee recommended to Council:

That Council introduce and give three readings to Management of Solid Waste and Recyclables Bylaw No. 2115

3) Twinning of Sanitary Sewer Force Main in the Williams Creek Valley - Contract Award

The Committee recommended to Council:

That Council award the contract for engineering assessment and design services for the first phase of the Sanitary Sewer Force Main Twinning, located in the Williams Lake Creek Valley, to TRUE Consulting Group in the amount of $72,000.

4) Deletion of Redundant Policies

The CAO reviewed his report with the Committee

The Committee recommended to Council:

That Council declare redundant Council Policies #2, 27, 29, 31, 35, 43, 45 and 50 as identified by the Chief Administrative Officer.

5) Election Task Force Discussion Papers - CAO Update from March 12, 2010 UBCM Consultation Workshop

The CAO reviewed with the Committee what was discussed at this workshop including discussion on campaign financing, election cycles, length of office, role of Chief Electoral Officer of BC in local government elections, timing of local government elections, restoration of corporate vote and enforcement of local government election law

The Committee recommended to Council:

That Staff be directed to provide input to the Election Task Force on having a local government general election in October as opposed to November, in the year of a local government general election

6) NCLGA Call for Nominations for 2010-2011 Executive – Committee of Whole Discussion

• Discuss with CRD, Quesnel and 100 Mile House that WL Council’s nominee is Councillor Rathor with Councillor Barr as alternate

7) Naming Request for Skate Board Park in Boitanio Park - "Nathan Matthews Memorial Skate Board Park

The Committee recommended to Council:

That City Council consider renaming the skateboard park within Boitanio Park the “Nathan Matthews Memorial Skate Board Park, subject to authorization by Mr. Matthews’s family.”

Meeting adjourned at 8:28pm

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