Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Taseko formally protests viewing of Xeni Gwet'in Movie - "Blue-Gold" at General Sessions for Federal Environmental Review Panel, Prosperity Mine

This morning, I've received a email from the Secretariat of the Federal Review Panel for Prosperity Mine giving notice that Taseko Mines objects to the Panel viewing "Blue Gold" at the General Sessions of the Review Panel on various grounds including:

* It's a propaganda film
* Wouldn't be accepted as evidence in court
* Wouldn't be good use of panel's time
* Noted that Xeni Gwet'in can show film during "Community Sessions" when the Panel is at Xeni Gwet'in

All individuals who filed written briefs, like myself, or who are orally presenting to the Panel have until Friday, March 19th to file supportive briefs or objecting briefs to Taseko's motion at

In addition, the Panel Chair indicates that the motion will get due consideration at the Panel's first day of the General Session on March 22nd at which time the Panel will hear oral submissions on Taseko's motion of objection

I see that the Panel's first day in the Cariboo-Chilcotin on a project that will have both economic and socio-economic benefits to the region will be an interesting one

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