Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Correction - City of WL 2010 Budget and positions of WL City Council members'

In one of my last posts, I'd suggested that Councillor Rathor was in favour of a 3.5% tax increase to the City's 2010 Budget, however he called me this morning to clarify his take on the City Budget.

So officially for the record, here are the Mayor and Councillors' take on the final draft of the City Budget for 2010:

Councillor Surinder Rathor - 2.0% tax increase
Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr & Montoya - 3.5 % tax increase
Councillors Bourdon & Zacharias - 5.0% tax increase

Councillor Laurie Walters (as I noted yesterday) was not in attendance so I'm not sure what her position on the City's 2010 Budget is however if history is any indication, then I suspect that she will go with Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr and Montoya's position on the City's 2010 Budget and support a 3.5% tax increase.

My public apologies to Councillor Surinder Rathor for suggesting that he supported a 3.5% tax increase when he clearly did not

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