Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Steve Rant - 2010 City of WL Budget & Time Change to WL Council Meetings'

At tonight's Committee of the Whole meeting (WL Council), Council debated 2 items which I want to provide my "spin" on:

1) Change to Council Meetings' Start Time

The Committee discussed moving the start time for Council meetings from 7:30pm to 6:00pm and Committee of the Whole Meetings at 6:30pm. Several Councillors including Sue Zacharias, Natalie Montoya and Geoff Bourdon suggested that the public interest will not be unduly affected as it is rare for a lot of members of the public to show up for a Council meeting at 7:30pm.

However, my take on it is that this is the act of "elitist" Councillors who want Council meetings to fit their schedule and not the public's. I will be writing a formal letter to Council over the Easter break protesting vehemently these changes. If this recommendation is adopted by Council at its' April 6th meeting, then the changes will be effective on April 20th, 2010

2) 2010 City of WL Budget

The Committee was presented with the final draft of the 2010 City of WL Budget and during discussions, Councillors Bourdon & Zacharias let it be known that they favour a 5% tax increase for 2010, rather than a 3.5% tax increase proposed by Councillor Tom Barr and his Financial Services Portfolio and currently favoured by Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr, Rathor and Montoya. It was also noted that because other costs (25% increase to Utility costs and charges for new Garbage/Recycling Bins, HST) are being imposed on City taxpayers' for 2010, going for a 5% tax increase would be a "non-starter" with City of WL taxpayers'.

I find it absolutely insulting when two City Councillors' (Bourdon & Zacharias) tell me as a City taxpayer that there is no big deal by Council increasing property taxes by 5% this year, in addition to the 25% this year and 2011 to Utility charges, charges for the City's new recycling/garbage containers, HST, School Taxes.

These two City Councillors' do not live in the City so the tax increase does not affect them as it would Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr, Rathor, Walters, and Montoya so shame on them for suggesting it. If WL Council formally proposes a 3.5% tax increase budget for 2010, then I will consider that a prudent budget considering the economic situation the City is in and taking into account costs the City must pay for.

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