Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15th Special CRD Board Meeting Highlights


Chair A. Richmond with Directors Armstrong, Faust, Massier, Bischoff, Mazur, Alternate Area ‘F’ Director Sorley, and Directors’ Dumaresq, Glassford, Bracewell, Mumford, Rattray, Campsall and Cook (2:28pm)

Staff Present:

J. Bell - CAO
R. Hodgson – Deputy CAO
A. Johnston – Corporate Officer
S. Burich – Manager of Communications
D. Campbell – Manager of Community Services

Meeting called to order at 1:04pm

Special Board Agenda adopted


1) Outdoor Wood-fired Boilers (Powerpoint Presentation from Ministry of Environment officials)

• Dora MacMillian (Chair, Quesnel Airshed Roundtable) gave a few introductory remarks on Air Quality in the North and Central Cariboo areas
• Background on Air Quality
• How does Poor Air Quality affect us?
Airshed Management Plans
• Outdoor Wood-fired Boilers
• Wood-fired Boilers – Regulate by Bylaw

A Question and Answer period ensued
Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their presentation

2) CRD Regional Economic Development Framework Feasibility Study
(Powerpoint Presentation from John Murray, Economic Growth Solutions, Inc)

• Background
• Mandate, Goals and Objectives
• Framework – Structure/Governance
• Scope of Activities
• Alternative Revenue Sources

A Question and Answer Period ensued
Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for his presentation


1) Final Report – Cariboo Regional Development Framework Feasibility Study

ResolvedCRD Board received the report

The Chair declared a recess at 3:05pm with the meeting resuming at 3:11pm

Business, cont.

2) Wood First

The Board Chair reviewed this item with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

ResolvedCRD Board received this item and Staff were directed to prepare a report on a “Wood First” Policy or Bylaw for consideration by the Board

3) Water Act Modernization

The Deputy CAO & Manager of Environmental Services reviewed this item with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

ResolvedCRD Board received this item and staff responses to the Water Act Modernization Discussion Paper be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment Water Stewardship Division prior to April 30.

Director Ted Armstrong declared a conflict of interest as he sells wood-fired boilers and left the meeting at 3:57pm

4) Draft Outdoor Wood-fired Boiler Bylaws

The Chief Building Official reviewed this item with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

ResolvedCRD Board received this item and Staff directed to prepare the Regulatory & Service Bylaws on the basis of Building Inspection Areas and portion of Electoral Area ‘F not in the Building Inspection area and lot sizes be restricted to a size of 1.75 Ha

5) Proposed New Management Framework for Off-Road Vehicles as announced by Province of BC

ResolvedCRD Board received this item and a letter be forwarded to the Province advising it supports this, in principle, and looks forward to reading the actual regulations, when available.

Meeting adjourned at 4:50pm

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