Thursday, April 15, 2010

Steve Rant - Contacting City of WL Elected Officials, Part 2

As my blog readers recall, I recently expressed a concern I had with a majority of WL Council members, except Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr/Rathor, not acknowledging receipt (on most occasions) of my correspondence (written letter/email) to them on various topics.

Thursday afternoon, I heard from Councillor Montoya who clarified that she doesn't acknowledge receipt except to gather additional information from the letter writer to understand the point(s) that they wish to raise with her and if I want a response from her, I should say so

However, I can not reconcile her opinion on this subject with that of mine which is that all correspondence (phone call, written letter or email) must be acknowledged when you receive it and not leave people wondering if you have received it or not and I know that this is a practice that Mayor Cook and Councillor Rathor conducts all the time and I would encourage Councillor Montoya to practice what the Mayor does when receiving correspondence from community members. Although I would encourage not to take up to 5 days to return emails, letters, faxes and phone calls and suggest that the standard to return emails, phone calls, letters and faxes should be no more than 2 days at most.

In my opinion, it is simply the right thing to do

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