Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Breaking News - BC Legislature give 2nd Reading to Bill 9 (PST Repeal Bill)

Just a few moments ago, the BC Legislature voted on an amendment proposed by the BC NDP to refer the subject-matter of Bill 9 to the Legislative Standing Committee on Finance & Government Services and the 2nd Reading of Bill 9 (PST Repeal Bill)

On referring the subject matter of Bill 9 to the Finance & Government Services Committee

Yeas (BC NDP) - 35
Nays (BC Liberals) - 48

Motion defeated

On the question that Bill 9 be read a 2nd time:

Yeas (BC Liberals including Donna Barnett) - 48
Nays (BC NDP + MLA for Delta South including Bob Simpson) -35

Motion passed

The next step is that Bill 9 will now be considered by the Committee of the Whole House, starting Wednesday and terminating Thursday at 5:00pm (as per House order on Monday)

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