Tuesday, April 27, 2010

WL Committee of the Whole Meeting Highlights - April 27th, 2010

Present: Mayor Cook with Councillors Barr, Rathor, Walters

Absent: Councillors Geoff Bourdon, Natalie Montoya and Sue Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian CarruthersCAO
Geoff Goodall – GM of Planning & Operations
Anne Burill – Manager of Social Development
Alan Madrigga – Manager of Economic Development

Meeting called to order at 6:30pm
Minutes of April 13th COW Meeting approved


1) Accessibility Committee re "Accessible Community Bylaws Guide" from Sparc BC

Councillor Rathor reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

The Committee recommended to Council:

Council include Accessibility principles when updating existing bylaws and enacting new bylaws. Item to be referred to Bylaw Review Committee for recommendation for consideration by Committee of the Whole

2) Economic Development Work Plan

The Manager of Economic Development reviewed this item with the Committee

MOU between Economic Development Corporation and City of WL coming forward for consideration by Council
• 6 Primary Goals + 25 Objectives to achieve the 6 Goals
• 2 Positions in Ec Dev Department (1 Manager + 1 Assistant)
• Build on trip to China (November of 2009 – Council report to come forward in next 30 days)
• Determine low-cost land to develop in the City and how to use those lands to maximize value in the City
• Continue support Prosperity Mine Proposal
• Stampede Campground Project – will be done in next 30-45 days. Federal Gov’t requires this project plus Aquifer Study Project and Mackenzie Avenue Preliminary Study to be completed by Dec 31/2010

Discussion ensued thereon

The Committee recommended to Council:

That Mayor and Council receive the information to be presented on the Economic Development 2010 Work Plan

3) Secondary Suites Policy – Draft

The Manager of Social Development reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon:

• Protect Affordable Housing while ensuring minimum safety standards
• Build & Maintain Secondary Suites in R-1 and R-8 Zones. Doesn’t include Duplexes but could later on
• Deal with Secondary Suites in new or existing homes (compliant/non-compliant)
• Secondary Suite maximum size – 40% of building size or 970 square feet. One Suite only, owner occupied, Independent access to the suite with 1 designated off-street parking space, and suite must comply with BC Building Code
• Reduced Rates for Utility Fees for Secondary Suites – 0-40% of water/sewer fees
• Priority List for investigation of complaints on Secondary Suites including a proactive based enforcement approach (waiver of inspection fees if done within 1 year of implementation of Secondary Suite Policy)
• Public Engagement includes online questionnaire/mail-out to public on Draft Secondary Suite Policy, Information Booth at Construction Association Home Show, host information/education session for interested homeowners and produce Fact Sheets for public (Pros/Cons of Secondary Suite Policy)

The Committee recommended to Council:

Council receive the Draft Secondary Suite Policy and further that alternate life safety standards be permitted, a proactive enforcement approach be taking with regard to complaints on Secondary Suites, utility fees for water/sewer for secondary suites be set at 20% and finally, that Council direct Staff to implement a broad public engagement strategy to collect public input and to educate and inform the community with regard to potential changes to City policy regarding suites and the importance of ensuring the safety of all secondary suites and Staff report back on public input on the draft secondary suite policy.

4) ICSP "Imagine Our Future" - Final Draft

The Manager of Social Development reviewed this item with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

The Committee recommended to Council:

That the final draft of the ICSP be received for information

Meeting adjourned at 8:16pm

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