Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Clarification: Blog Post - Lack of Recycling Services in the City of WL/CRD

Yesterday, I blogged on the fact that Brian Stefan is providing a bin to recycle glass at his business and at his expense and it's true that this is a good thing but I criticized the City and CRD for relying on a local business to provide this service when the local government should be providing this service. See the blog post here

To which I received the following comment:

What is wrong with you. You bitch about the City doing everything and then, when a great citizen takes it upon himself to help out and be a "good citizen" this is the City's fault. Seriously, it no wonder you never get elected for anything.

Obviously, I categorically reject the poster's assertion. First of all, the providing of recycling services and solid waste collection is a basic service to be provided by the local government (City of WL/CRD in partnership). After all, this is what taxpayers' expect when they send their tax dollars' to their local government, and not by local business, who already pay a fair sum of taxes and shouldn't be forced to pay for a basic public service out of their own back pocket. In fact, some may call this "double taxation", pay once for the provision of City services and then pay again for services that the City doesn't provide but saw a need for said service (again, good on them for doing that but could set a precedent where the City of WL or CRD might cancel basic services on the grounds that local business or groups will step in to fill the gap)

As far as not getting elected for anything, well....there is a time and place for that particular debate and that will be on November 19th, 2011 (next local government election) and if he/she doesn't like my views on matters in the City, then he/she is free to run a campaign to ensure I don't get elected to City Council in 2011

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