Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Quesnel Council Meeting Highlights - May 10th, 2010


Mayor Sjostrom and Councillors Couldwell, Roodenburg, Thapar, and Oakes


Councillors Ron Paull & Mike Cave

Staff Present:

Byron Johnson – City Manager
Lori Scott – Deputy City Manager
Kari Bolton- Director of Finance & Administration
Matt Wood - Communications Supervisor
Harlene Hunt – Transportation Manager
Tanya Turner - Planner

Meeting called to order at 7:00pm

Delegation Session – Acting Mayor S. Thapar in the Chair:

1) Jerry Van Halderen - Quesnel Flying Club

Mr. Van Halderen gave Council an update on the SkyFest 2010 Event

A Question and Answer Period ensued

Chair Thapar thanked Mr. Van Halderen for his presentation

Delegation Session ended at 7:14pm

Regular Council Meeting – Mayor Sjostrom in the Chair

Meeting called to order at 7:14pm
Invocation (Opening Prayer) given by Councillor P. Couldwell

Council Agenda with late items approved

Council Minutes of April 26th, Public Input Session Minutes (Wood First Bylaw) of April 26th and Special Open Council Minutes of May 3rd received and adopted


1) Mayor Sjostrom reported on the April 30th CRD Board meeting
2) Acting Mayor Sushil Thapar reported on the May 3rd Delegation Session
3) Council received the Wednesday, April 14th meeting minutes of the Quesnel Museum & Heritage Commission
4) Council gave an exemption to the Local Government Act requirement for 10% of the perimeter requirement for subdivision application number S2009-67 to permit a frontage of 20 metres for Proposed Remainder of Lot 1, District Lot 6682, Cariboo District, Plan 31935
5) Council gave 3 readings to Bylaw #1680 and 1681 of 2010 (West Quesnel Land Stability Program Reserve and Temporary Borrowing)
6) Council received the Account Payable Cheque List
7) Council received the Building Inspector Stats for April 2010 & April 2009
8) Council reviewed items from the “Council Information Package”
9) Council declared Saturday, June 5th 2010 as Access Awareness Day in the City of Quesnel
10)Council received an letter regarding the Order of BC.
11) Council received a letter from the Quesnel Downtown Association and gave permission for the holding of the SkyFest 2010 support event. Public Works to coordinate on behalf of the City.

12) Council gave adoption to the following Bylaws:

i) Bylaw # 1675 – Quesnel Wood First
ii) Bylaw # 1677 - Red Bluff Lhtako Band Fire Protection
iii) Bylaw # 1678 – 5 Year Financial Plan (2010-2014)
iv) Bylaw # 1679 – 2010 Tax Rates

Mayor Sjostrom noted future Council meetings in the month of May:

May 17th – Public Hearing (OCP Amendment Bylaw #1676) and Regular Council Meeting
May 31st – Regular Council Meeting

Council members reviewed various events in Quesnel or issues/events important to them

Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm

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