Monday, May 17, 2010

CN Rail gets extension to deadline to remove railway ties/chips at Station House Gallery site

The City of Williams Lake has announced that CN Rail will get an extension to the deadline to remove railway ties and chips at the Station House Gallery site which expires now on August 15th, 2010

See the City's press release here:

BC Fire Code order that was issued to CN Rail last month with respect to their storage of rail ties and chips on leased property behind Station House Gallery. CN Rail now has until August 15, 2010 to fully comply with the order subject to CN Rail taking immediate action to ensure adequate buffers between the chip/tie piles and the surrounding brush and forested areas and that the material be removed from beneath hydro lines. The extension was granted in order to provide sufficient time for CN Rail to secure an alternate disposal location and to chip the existing ties in preparation for transport.

“Aside from Fire Code infractions, CN Rail’s chipping operation is not in contravention of any laws or regulations and the city has no legal means to stop their chipping activity. However, CN Rail has recognized the community’s concern with their chipping operation and is making every effort to remove the material as soon as possible,” states Brian Carruthers, Chief Administrative Officer.

CN Rail has also requested BC Rail Properties for an extension of their lease until August 31, 2010 on the basis that they cannot physically remove all of the material before that date.
Mayor Kerry Cook advises, “CN Rail has responded to the City’s concerns by establishing buffers around the chip piles and establishing road access through the piles for fire protection and we are satisfied that they are making efforts to vacate the site as soon as possible.”

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