Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Local Arts Council & Central Cariboo Arts and Culture

On Wednesday, the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee will be meeting to consider a report of the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Stakeholder Working Group

This 38 page report talks about the future direction of managing Arts and Culture on a sub-regional basis including the formation of a new umbrella group called "Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society" or CCACS. It also discusses the possibility of the current CAC-WL (Community Arts Council of Williams Lake) folding and taking their assets and transferring them to the new CCACS to be formed, but the report fails to discuss how the current liabilities of CAC-WL will be resolved (as my blog readers' are aware, CAC-WL still owes the City around $9,000 for previous rent at Heritage House when they were tenants) and I'm left with the impression that money from the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Service could be used to help wind up CAC-WL and transfer assets to the new society

The report also talks about who would act as founding members of the society. Given that Harry Jennings & Susan O'Sullivan are current Executive members of CAC-WL (President and Secretary-Treasurer respectively) and given that the RCMP has still has not reported back to address alleged financial concerns resulting from the CAC-WL's financial statements, perhaps CRD/City of WL Staff need to take the lead to ensure formation of the new CCACS is above reproach and its' formation can not be challenged

Also - given the financial fiasco displayed at the CAC-WL, the report does not call for the financial statements to be audited externally, like the CRD and City's Financial Statements and given that taxpayers' money is involved, external audits are a must!

In short, this report must be reviewed carefully to ensure that the entire community interest (both inside the City and CRD Areas D, E, F) are carefully protected

If any of my blog readers' want a copy of the report in question - please contact me, via email, at sforseth@shaw.ca and I'll be glad to provide you with a copy

1 comment:

  1. Big assumptions made in this blog. The CACWL had its financial information reviewed by PMT Accountants for the past 4 years with year-ends produced. At our request we have the RCMP investigating our file and we continue to be in close contact with the RCMP. Even though we experienced significant financial issues over the past year, ie, collection debts, unpaid local businesses debts, to name a few, we have addressed all satisfactory with the exception of the outstanding Heritage House lease. However, we do have a plan to repay this debt. Kudos to the CACWL members that we do have a re-payment plan, considering that the CACWL in past years and more particularily in this past year have run on a “shoe string budget.” Despite your reference in linking CACWL and the new organization being above “reproach”, we have been transparent with our CACWL financial status and other issues with the City/CRD and CACWL members. We have received no personal financial gains, quite the opposite, in fact the CACWL directors and members have experienced extreme personal stress and concern over the past year; however I am pleased to report that the CACWL’s status now is financially and administratively stable. A significant achievement considering the obstacles that were overcome. You are welcome to attend our next AGM in September, 2010 for more information.
