Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Steve Rant - City Quarterly Utility Bill & Hypocrisy

Yesterday, I went to pay a quarterly City of Williams Lake Utility Bill which was due on Friday, May 14th, on behalf of a young, working family, whom I will not name to protect their privacy

When I paid the bill in question, I was informed that a 10% penalty would be applied due to the bill being paid 1 day late. When the family in question learned of this, they were naturally upset. They work very hard to pay their bills on time and would think that their local government might have some compassion because they paid it less than a full day late

They expressed their outrage that they get dinged a 10% penalty for being 1 day late but yet the Community Arts Council still owes the City of Williams Lake and its' taxpayers close to $9,000 (goes back to 2009) and yet there is still no report back as to how the Community Arts Council will eventually repay this money and I agree wholeheartedly with this family

WL Council will likely say - that's the rule. The deadline is the deadline. But yet, they'll wait for a report from Staff and Portfolio on the $9,000 that the local Community Arts Council owes Williams Lake and its' taxpayers'. And by the way, that is 4 months and counting....

Hypocrisy at its' finest at Williams Lake City Hall

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