Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In-Camera Proceedings & Williams Lake Council

Last night, during "Round-table" comments, Councillor Rathor asked Mayor Cook if the ICSP Award that the City is receiving at the FCM (Federation of Canadian Municipalities) Annual Meeting is still "In-Camera" material. Mayor Cook stated that it was not, given that the City Planner (Lilliana Dragowska) stated that it could be now publicly released.

Councillor Rathor then charged that the information was still classified, as of 8pm last night, as "In-Camera", according to the City's CAO (Brian Carruthers) and suggested that Mayor Cook "leaked" the information without discussing it with Council first

Regardless of which side you take on this matter, nothing is more important than members of Williams Lake Council clearly understanding their roles/responsibilities around how In-Camera material can be released to the public. I have contacted both Mayor Cook & Councillor Bourdon and asked that this topic be discussed, for the purpose of Williams Lake Council to have a general discussion on roles/responsibilities of Williams Lake City Council on the topic of "In-Camera" material being released to the public

This time, it's just an award, next time it could be sensitive negotiations where a member of Council could leak the information stating that he or she believed it was released previously. More the reason why this Council needs to have a discussion on the topic of roles/responsbilities of "In-Camera" material being properly released to the public

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