Tuesday, May 25, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - May 25th, 2010

Present: Mayor Cook and Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Montoya, Rathor, Walters and Zacharias

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall - GM of Planning and Operations
Cindy Bouchard - Manager of Legislative Services
Brad McRae - Senior Bylaw Officer
Annie McKitrick - Acting Manager of Social Development

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Delegations or Presentations:

1) Mayor Cook, on behalf of Council, presented Private Tim Robbins with an award thanking him for his service to Canada and Williams Lake while serving in Afghanistan
2) Retirement Concepts (WL Seniors’ Village) were presented with an award for Building Excellence by the BC Northern Real Estate Board
3) Council convened a Public Hearing regarding an appeal on the suspension of the Business License for the Boot Cabaret. Only Geoff Goodall (General Manager of Planning & Operations), Staff-Sgt Warren Brown (WL RCMP Detachment Commander) and Nick Weekes (Owner of Boot Cabaret) participated in this Public Hearing
4) Bill and Sharon Whitely (123 & 127 Lakeview Avenue) appeared before Council to request it reconsider the Remedial Action Resolution that it imposed on property at 123 & 127 Lakeview Avenue at its’ April 6th, 2010 meeting

• Delegations #3 and 4 were referred to an In-Camera meeting to commence immediately following adjournment of tonight’s meeting.


1) Council received for information an report from Mayor Cook on the 2010 NCLGA (North Central Local Government Association) AGM
2) Council endorsed a recommendation from the Central Cariboo Joint Committee, which requires that the WL Timberwolves vacate the Cariboo Memorial Complex ASAP based on its inability to comply with the Debt Settlement Agreement that it signed earlier until a new Occupancy Agreement is signed. City/CRD Staff were also tasked to bring back options to the Joint Committee on how to collect outstanding monies owed to both the City/CRD by the WL Timberwolves and a Special Joint Committee meeting be scheduled ASAP
3) Council received for information an follow-up report from the Economic Development Manager on the trip to China that he, Councillors Walters & Bourdon did in November of 2009
4) Council received DVP (Development Variance Permit) #2 and referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for comment/recommendations. DVP #2-2010 will be considered by Council at its’ June 8th meeting
5) Council received an report from the City’s Legislative Services Manager will sets in motion the formal borrowing of the 3.5 million for the Mackenzie Avenue Rehab Project. The CRD Board will now be formally asked to consent to this borrowing in the form of a “Security Issuing Bylaw”
6) Council approved the renewal of the Transit Partnership Agreement with Interior Health for provision of the Health Connections service to Kamloops
7) Council received a report from the Senior Bylaw Officer regarding support for PADS (Pacific Assistance Dog Society).
8) Council adopted Bylaw 2117 - Traffic Control Amendment Bylaw (Sidewalk/Roadway Cafes)
9) Council adopted a number of Committee of the Whole Recommendations:

• Council to provide a general letter of support to Embrace BC supporting the work of Urban Ink/Williams Lake Arts Council and CMHA in working with youth to explore inter-generational and racism issues
• Council endorsed the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of WL and the Central Cariboo Economic Development Corporation
• Council approved the public consultation plan and tentative timeline for implementation of a False Alarm Bylaw
• Council to provide a letter of support recommending that the BC government exercise social responsibility by proposing new legislation to reduce the health and social harms caused by alcohol abuse in our communities

10) Mayor Cook or her alternate was authorized by Council to attend the 2010 Summer Gala Opening & Theatre Royal at Barkerville, BC on Saturday, June 19th.
11) Approval was given for Special Occasion Liquor Licenses on July 1, 2, 3 and 4, 2010 at the Stampede Grounds, pursuant to City Policy and subject to RCMP approval
12) Council received for information the CRD Board Highlights from its’ May 20th meeting
13) Council proclaimed June 1st – July 4th, 2010 as “Stampede Season” in the City of Williams Lake

Meeting adjourned at 9:05pm

Council then proceeded to an In-Camera meeting, in accordance with Sections 90 (1f) and (1g) and 92 of the Community Charter

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