Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Steve Rant - Central Cariboo Joint Committee & Proposed Bike Park

Earlier today, the City of Williams Lake published a press release on the proposed Bike Park inside Boitanio Park

In that press release was this quote:

"City Council approved the proposal through the Joint Committee on April 29th.”

WL City Council should be ashamed of this quote as Mayor Kerry Cook, Councillors Surinder Rathor, Tom Barr and Sue Zacharias know how the Central Cariboo/City of Williams Lake Joint Committee operates and that is the Joint Committee decides on items by consensus, that is - all members of the Joint Committee agree to an course of action on a matter

It should be noted that the Joint Committee is made up of all 7 members of Williams Lake City Council + the CRD Area Directors' for Electoral Areas D, E, F, J and K

In a "letter to the editor" to both the Williams Lake Tribune & Cariboo Advisor - I have called upon Williams Lake City Council to apologize to Directors Bischoff, Mazur, Mumford, Bracewell and Alternate Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley for this "slip of the tongue" and to state that it won't happen again.

Will WL Council apologize - I wouldn't bet the farm on it

You can see the press release in its' entirety at the Welcome to Williams Lake website and judge the contents of this press release for yourself. Click here to see the press release

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