Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Steve Rant - City of WL Trip to China & Hypocrisy

At the April 27th, 2010 Committee of the Whole (WL Council) meeting, during discussions on the Economic Development Department Work Plan for 2010, the issue of the trip to China in November of 2009 was raised by Councillor Rathor and he queried why a report on the trip has not yet been put before Council.

Alan Madrigga (Manager of Economic Development) commented that Councillors Laurie Walters and Geoff Bourdon were working on a draft of that report and he hoped that within the next 30 days that Council would see a report on the trip to China and what took place. Like Councillor Rathor, I find it very odd that Councillors Bourdon and Walters in addition to Mr. Madrigga have failed to report out on their trip, even though it took place 6 months ago and this is even more hypocritical given Councillor Walters oral promise in December of 2009 that Council would have a report on the China trip by the end of 2009. If you aren't prepared to keep a promise to Council, then don't make it unless you intend to deliver on it.

I don't have any sort of faith that Council will see that report by the end of May, given that Council on December of 2008 instructed Staff to bring forward an amendment to the Council Procedure Bylaw to include the title of Deputy Mayor and the amendment bylaw took more than a year to reach Council for discussions

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