Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Accountability at City Hall.....?

In this term of Williams Lake City Council for 2008-2011, the Mayor and City Councillors' favorite catch phrases have been:

i) Due Diligence
ii) Accountable to Taxpayers'

Unfortunately, I've documented many occasions where these catch phrases don't stand up to the light of day. Those occasions include:

i) Adoption of a Wood First Resolution
ii) Collection of the $9,000 backrent at Heritage House, currently owed by the Community Arts Council
iii) Calling of In-Camera Meetings and providing notice to the public

At tonight's Special Council Meeting, Williams Lake Council agreed to meet In-Camera (and without prior notice to the public), in accordance with Section 90(1)(k) of the Community Charter which states:

k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality if they were held in public

If this Council were truly & honestly committed to principles like "Accountable to Taxpayers'" and "practice due diligence", they would immediately ensure Notice for All In-Cameras' Meetings be published at City Hall and online at the City's website (like multiple other jurisdictions already do), Council would immediately demand within 30 days that the Community Arts Council table an action plan for the $9,000 backrent at Heritage House otherwise the Community Arts Council will be subject to other actions including litigation to collect on this debt.

Will this honestly happen? - very unlikely under the leadership of Mayor Cook.

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