Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Special WL Council Meeting Highlights - June 2nd


Mayor Cook with Councillors' Bourdon, Montoya, Walters and Zacharias


Councillors' Tom Barr & Surinderpal Rathor

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Geoff Goodall - General Manager of Planning & Operations
Imogen Thompson - GHG Planning Assistant (summer term)

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

1) Council agreed to communicate to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities the City of Williams Lake’s participation in the Partners for Climate Protection program and its commitment to achieve the milestones set in the program's five-milestone framework; and further, Councillor Natalie Montoya was appointed as Elected Official Liaison for Partners for Climate Protection and Liliana Dragowska, Planner, was appointed as the Staff Liaison.

2) Council awarded the construction services for the Mackenzie Avenue Rehabilitation project to EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd. for a total amount of $260,000, excluding GST

Meeting adjourned at 7:03pm and recovened In-Camera, in accordance with Section 90(1)(k) of the Community Charter

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