Monday, June 14, 2010

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting - June 9th

Present from City of WL:

Mayor Cook (Co-Chair) and Councillors Rathor, Barr, Walters, and Zacharias

Present from CRD:

Directors Steve Mazur (Co-Chair), Deb Bischoff, Rick Mumford and Alternate Area ‘F’ Director Joan Sorley

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers – CAO, City of WL
Geoff Paynton – Director of Community Services, City of WL
Darron Campbell – Manager of Community Services, CRD

Meeting called to order at 5:00pm


1) Mins of May 19th Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting

By Consensus – Minutes approved

2) Report from CRD Manager of Community Services re: Central Cariboo Arts & Culture Society (Proposed Bylaws & Constitution)

The CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus – Report received

3) Report of City of WL Director of Community Services re: Amended Terms of Reference for the Central Cariboo Recreation Advisory Committee

The City of WL Director of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus – Amended Terms of Reference be approved

4) Report of City of WL Director of Community Services re: Capital Plan Update – Cariboo Memorial Complex

The City of WL Director of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus - That the Central Cariboo Recreation and Leisure Services Financial Plan be amended to allow implementation of the revised capital plan for the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex and a press release be issued to inform the public of these Capital Upgrades

5) Action Page

The City of WL CAO reviewed the Action Page with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus – Action Page received and remove Item #2 from the Action Page

6) Late Item – Report from CRD Manager of Community Services re: Amended Terms of Reference for the Central Cariboo Joint Committee

The CRD Manager of Community Services reviewed his report with the Joint Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

By Consensus – Amended Terms of Reference be approved and the City of WL & CRD Memorandum of Understanding be amended accordingly

Meeting adjourned at 6:00pm

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