Monday, June 14, 2010

CRD Board Policy Session Notes - June 10th


Chair Richmond and Directors Armstrong, Faust, Massier, Bischoff, Mazur, Dumaresq, Glassford, Campsall, Sjostrom (1:14pm), Vermette, and Alternate Area ‘F’ Director Sorley


Directors Bracewell, Mumford and Cook

CRD Staff Present:

Janis Bell – CAO (Chief Administrative Officer)
Rick Hodgson – Deputy CAO
Lynn Paterson – Chief Financial Officer
Alice Johnston – Corporate Officer
Shelly Burich – Communications Manager

The Chair called the meeting to order at 12:35pm

Agenda approved


1) Graphic Standards Manual

The Board reviewed the memo from the Communications Manager
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved – Graphic Standards Manual endorsed and CRD Staff be requested to look into costs to register the CRD Logo

2) Wood First

The Deputy CAO reviewed his report with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved – Wood First Policy endorsed

3) Inflationary Pressures

The Chief Financial Officer reviewed her report with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved – Memo received

4) Target Requisition Increase

The CAO reviewed her report with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the overall targeted inflationary increase for 2010 be set at a maximum of 1.25% exclusive of Board approved service increases and new services.

5) Insurance

The Chief Financial Officer reviewed her report with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon


1) CRD Staff to report back on increasing insurance deductible to $10,000 with a increasing sliding scale of $5,000 intervals

2) CRD Staff to report back on risk management for covering contractors’

The Chair recessed the meeting at 2:20pm and called the meeting back to order at 2:26pm

6) Governance Costs

The Chair, on behalf of the CAO, reviewed her report with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved – CRD Staff to create a new governance function for 2011 to cover the expenses related to directors participation at the Board table utilizing the tax base of the entire Cariboo Regional District

7) Performance Management Audits

The CAO reviewed her report with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - The Terms of Reference for an Audit Committee be endorsed as presented. This item be reviewed in 1 year and the Audit Committee report directly to the CRD Board

8) Standing Committees of the Board

The Chair reviewed this item with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved – Item received and the following Standing Committees of the Board be established:

i) Policy & Procedures Committee
ii) Executive Committee

9) Strategic Planning (Facilitated)

The CAO reviewed her memo with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved – A Strategic Planning Session take place on Wednesday, October 6th from 2:00pm to 6:00pm with a dinner
Topic discussion items include – Forest Capital 2010/2011 & Public Consultation

10) Corporate Priorities

The CAO reviewed her report with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved – Memo received

11) Procedure Bylaw Review Update

The Corporate Officer reviewed her memo with the Board
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved – Continue practice of recording Directors’ names who move and second motions during Board meetings’

12) Annual Report – 2009 Edition

Board received a copy of the Annual Report

Board resolved to refer the issue of conference calls to Committee reviewing remuneration

Meeting adjourned at 4:15pm

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