Monday, June 14, 2010

CRD Board Highlights - June 11th Meeting

Fraser Basin Council

Dr. Charles Jago, Chair of the Fraser Basin Council (FBC), and Mike Simpson, FBC Senior Regional Director appeared before the Board with an update on the activities of the Fraser Basin Council. Some of the key areas of focus for FBC include salmon and watersheds, flood hazard mitigation, sustainability indicators and challenges, smart planning, climate change and regional programs. Further information about the Fraser Basin Council and their ongoing projects is available online at

Community Works Funding

The Board approved an application from the McLeese Lake Recreation Society for up to $5,000 of 2010 Community Works Funding. The funds will be used to make repairs and upgrade the septic system at the community hall.

UBCM Resolutions

The Cariboo Regional District will be sending resolutions to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) annual conference and AGM this September. During the 2010 North Central Local Government Association (NCLGA) conference last month, the following CRD resolutions were endorsed and have been submitted to UBCM for debate during the convention:
• Palliative Care Fees
• Accessibility Designation
• Interim Tax Relief for Resort Owners
The CRD will also submit a resolution requesting legislation that will provide regional districts with tools to help the RCMP to deal with marijuana grow operations in the region and the risks they pose to communities.

Board on the Road

The Board of Directors and staff of the Cariboo Regional District travelled to Forest Grove in the south Cariboo for the first of two Board on the Road meetings for 2010. On Thursday, June 10 the Board hosted a community barbeque that saw approximately 50 residents enjoy the opportunity to meet CRD elected officials and staff. On Friday, the Board held its regularly scheduled meeting in the Forest Grove Community Hall.

The next Board on the Road event will be held September 16 and 17, when the CRD will travel to West Fraser Fire Hall in Electoral Area I of the north Cariboo.

Annual Report

The Board of Directors received and endorsed the CRD’s 2009 Annual Report. In the past, the publication won the UBCM’s Excellence Award Honourable Mention title on two previous occasions. The 2009 Annual report will be available at all CRD offices and an electronic version on the CRD website at

NCLGA - North Cariboo Local Government Association

The Cariboo Regional District and the District of 100 Mile House will be submitting a joint bid to co-host the 2012 NCLGA conference and AGM. The last time the conference took place within the region was in 2006, when the City of Williams Lake and the CRD co-hosted the event in Williams Lake.

Forest Capital Update

As the 2010-2011 Forest Capital of Canada, the CRD will be applying to the BC Community Forest Association (BCCFA) to host the 2011 conference in the Cariboo Chilcotin. Hosting the BCCFA Conference would be an excellent addition to the CRD’s Forest Capital program, and is in keeping with the Forest Capital of Canada Committee goals and objectives of bringing economic development opportunities to the region. In the past three years, the BCCFA Conference has attracted between 70-130 participants. The CRD includes three community forests; the Likely-Xat’sull Community Forest, 100 Mile House Community Forest, and the Esketemc Community Forest.

National Aboriginal Day

On June 18, CRD Board members will be attending an Open House with the Northern Shuswap Tribal Council in Williams Lake. The Open House is being held in celebration of Aboriginal Day 2010 from 1 to 4pm. More information about the Tribal Council is available online at

Next Board Meeting

Friday, July 9 – 9:30am

Upcoming Events

Tuesday, June 29 – 1:30pm
Opening of the Sisters Creek Trail located in Kersley.

Thursday, July 8 – 11am
Grand Opening of the CRD’s 100 Mile House Library

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