Tuesday, July 13, 2010

CRD Board Highlights - July 9th meeting

Interior Health Update

Allison Ruault, the Cariboo Health Service Administrator for Interior Health, presented an update on health issues in the central Cariboo. Topics included the Cariboo Memorial Hospital (CMH) Master Plan, health care services in the Chilcotin, the temporary provision of Obstetrics services for the south Cariboo in Williams Lake, development of a new recruitment video, and the recruitment and retention strategies of health care professionals to the region. Further information about Interior Health is available online at www.interiorhealth.ca

Woodstove Exchange

Jeannine McCormack from the Baker Creek Enhancement Society (BCES) appeared before the Board to present an overview of the 2009 Cariboo Woodstove Exchange Program. The Provincial Government Woodstove Exchange Program is designed to encourage people to exchange old, smoky woodstoves, with cleaner, more efficient appliances. The goal of the program is to improve air quality in communities with a demonstrated need. Residents that participate in the program can receive rebates of $250 from the province. BCES received funding to administer the program for the entire Cariboo Chilcotin. For further information on the woodstove exchange program, visit the provincial website at www.bcairquality.ca

Waste To Energy

Invitations to the workshop will be provided to all Board Directors, Mayors and Councilors of member municipalities and members of the Solid Waste Management Review Committee. The Board previously resolved, following a presentation from the Interior Science Council, to invite the Science Council back to the Cariboo Regional District to provide a one day workshop on waste to energy options. The workshop date has been set for Wednesday October 13, 2010 at the Cariboo Regional District office in Williams Lake.

Digital Aviation Cameras for Anahim Lake Airport

Nav Canada and the Cariboo Regional District will be entering into a licence agreement for the installation of digital aviation weather cameras (DAWC). The term of the licence is for five years, commencing on August 1, 2010. Nav Canada wishes to install the cameras at the Anahim Lake Airport to provide frequently updated photos showing the current weather at the airport. These photos will then be available to be viewed by pilots on Nav Canada’s weather camera web page www.metcam.navcanada.ca

Stampede Appreciation

On behalf of the Williams Lake Stampede Association, City of Williams Lake Alternate Director Surinderpal Rathor presented the CRD with a framed 2010 Stampede poster in appreciation of the Regional District’s support.

State of the Region

The Cariboo Regional District will be holding a number of State of the Region meetings this fall prior to commencing the financial plan process. The intent of the sessions would be to conduct “kitchen-table” type discussions with residents about various aspects of the regional district, our municipal partners, and the services we offer. The sessions will include a series of stations manned by elected officials and staff to have casual, informal discussions with constituents. The purpose of the sessions will be to engage constituents in a two way dialogue in advance of financial plan preparation. Watch the CRD website at www.cariboord.bc.ca or local newspapers for local dates and times of the sessions.

CRD Chair Richmond to seek re-election to UBCM Executive

The Regional District agreed to nominate CRD Chair and Electoral Area 'G' Director Al Richmond for re-election for the position of Regional District Representative on the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) 2010/2011 Executive. Having representation on the UBCM Executive ensures that the Cariboo Chilcotin region has a provincial voice. UBCM is The Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) is an organization that has served and represented the interests of local governments in BC since 1905. UBCM initiates, monitors, interprets and reacts where changes or actions at the senior levels of government could have an effect on local governments and the communities they serve. Further information on UBCM is available online at www.civicnet.bc.ca

Mountain Bike Skills Park

The CRD Board agreed to provide support in principle for a proposed mountain bike park in Quesnel behind the Arts and Recreation Centre. CRD and City of Quesnel staff will work with representatives of the Gold Rush Cycling Club to indentify the next steps for development. The club originally presented information to the North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee to establish a mountain bike skills park that is fun, safe, free of charge and accessible for all ages and abilities.

Referenda for Central Cariboo Transit and HandyDART

Residents of portions of Electoral Areas D, E and F, will be heading to the polls September 25, 2010 to vote on the proposed expansion of Central Cariboo Transit services into their respective areas. There will be two referenda with the first one asking if residents wish to receive transit and HandyDART services and the second will ask if residents wish for HandyDART services only. A map of the proposed service areas along with detailed information about the proposed services will be posted on the CRD website at www.cariboord.bc.ca next week. Watch your local papers and mail for further details.

Next Board Meeting:

Friday, August 27, 2010

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