Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Follow-up to "Town Hall" Radio Program....

Last Thursday, I blogged on the fact that no Williams Lake City Councillor (Mayor Cook on holidays) showed up to do the weekly Thursday "Town Hall" radio program with Dale Taylor

See that post here

However, I'm informed that Councillor Tom Barr (the City's Acting Mayor for July) showed up the next day (Friday, July 9th) to do the "Town Hall" local radio program and Dale Taylor was perplexed at his actions. Again, Mr. Taylor, being the MC-pro that he is, agreed to do the show.

However, it does expose a flaw in Council's thinking and that is --

You can't show up to do interviews when you want. If you've scheduled an interview at a time and place, show up or at least have the common decency to advise that you will be late or re-schedule for a different day

This time, it's a local interviewer, next time - it could easily be a interview played out on provincial or national media (radio, TV or newspaper)

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