Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Former Boot Cabaret Owner has some choice words about Williams Lake City Council

Former Boot Cabaret owner Nick Weekes was recently interviewed by local media and had some choice words about his recent experience with Williams Lake City Hall

See more here

Note - This is not the kind of news that Williams Lake City Council needs at this time, given the state of the local ecomomy. Hopefully, Williams Lake City Council heeds the advice of Mr. Weekes, otherwise Mayor Cook and a number of Williams Lake City Councillors' may find themselves out of a job come November 19th, 2011


  1. Fail to mention it was a drug den, a place of violence and gang issues and a host of other deviant activity that failed to get mentioned in the one sided reporting eh. That place was a sess pool and Nick let drug dealers run "security".....classy establishment and im glad council stood up for what was right not just for the sake of a dollar.

    ANYTHING to slam council eh should be embarassed of simply buying into a one sided story that has NO OTHER perspective.

  2. 1) As for Mr. Weekes using drug dealers as was suggested by the RCMP, at the May 25th Council Public Hearing (Appeal - Business License Revocation) that the bouncers were not properly licensed. As for the other issues (gang violence), I didn't write this story and I feel that the author of this article (LeRae Haynes) did due diligence to get both sides of this story and I appreciate that you don't see it that way.

    Also, Mayor Cook & Council were given an opportunity (24 hours) before the story ran and they chose not to avail themselves of that opportunity. So, if you say the story is one-sided, it is because of the lack of response by Mayor and Council to this story

    2) As for using this article to slam Council, I ran the story because I felt it was a news-worthy item and because I agree with all the complaints listed by Mr. Weekes and not to slam Council, as you point out because by Council not responding to this story, it unfortunately has the air of a "one-sided story" but again, Council only has itself to blame and not myself or the author of this article
