Wednesday, July 14, 2010

MLA Bob Simpson & Voice of the Cariboo

After reading Cariboo-North MLA Bob Simpson's weekly column of July 1st entitled "Just a Politician", I sent him an email praising the weekly column

That was on July 1st and today is July 14th. Now, I know Bob Simpson, like all MLA's, have access to a Blackberry and I find it hard to believe that after 13 days that he or his staff hasn't seen my email and at the very least, reply and say that they've received it and when I will get a response. So much for being the "Voice of the Cariboo". Looks like Bob Simpson is in politics for himself and not for serving the great people of Cariboo-North. They deserve better. Even Mayor Cook responds sooner to my emails - 5 days instead of Mr. Simpson's 13 days and counting......

For the record, here's the email I sent to Bob Simpson - NDP MLA for Cariboo-North on Thursday, July 1st:

Hi Bob:

I've just read your weekly Thursday column in the Williams Lake Tribune and though I don't personally live in your riding of Cariboo-North, I want you to know this is one of your best columns that I've read in some time

I believe your column speaks to a certain Mayor in Williams Lake who I believe,now with the evidence available, holds office to serve her own ego, rather then serving the public. She only listens to the public for the sake of the appearance of listening, rather than yourself, listen to the public and act on their concerns.

I fully intend to run in the next local government election in the fall of 2011 and I fully intend to make use of all tools available to me to communicate with my fellow residents as a Williams Lake City Councillor - both to listen and to communicate their concerns/suggestions to Victoria/Ottawa. Something that the current City Council of Williams Lake doesn't do now, in my humble opinion. Some of these tools will include: Facebook, Twitter and Blogging (as you may or may not be aware, I blog on all local government matters - Cities of Quesnel/Williams Lake and the Cariboo Regional District).

I also intend to ensure both the Cariboo Regional District and Williams Lake Council has yearly meetings' with its' MLA's - both yourself and Donna Barnett (should she survive a recall campaign) as I believe it is the right thing to do.

Should you or your staff wish to discuss this email with me further, please see below for my contact info

Keep up the good work on your weekly column (although I don't agree with the contents on your weekly column from time to time, I agree with the principle reason of your column - communicate with your voters' in Cariboo-North)

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