Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Fight HST team set to announce whether or not their petition is successful

FightHST will announce at 5:30pm today whether or not the HST Initiative Petition that was forwarded to Elections BC in late June has passed

My guess - Fight HST will announce it is successful and call on the Campbell government to withdraw the HST

Provincial Government response - yes, we screwed up on the implementation of the HST, but the HST stays

1 comment:

  1. And the parliamentary committee will recommend the non-binding plebiscite for late 2011 to let Liberals buy time and not have to vote down the anti-HST bill explicitly whenever they bother to reconvene the ledge.

    Then we'll have recall throughout the fall.

    And someone will have to convince the BC NDP to take a stand and go public on what they'll actually do if they end up in government because of the recall campaign.
