Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WL Council Meeting Highlights - August 10th


Mayor Cook & Councillors Barr, Bourdon, Hebert, Rathor, and Zacharias


Councillor Laurie Walters

Staff Present:

Brian Carruthers - CAO
Rena Schill - Corporate Services Records Management Coordinator
Tom Chung - Manager of IT
Geoff Goodall - General Manager of Planning & Operations
Annie McKitrick - Acting Manager of Social Development
Randy Isfeld - Director of Protective Services (Fire Chief)

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Council adopted the July 20th meeting minutes


1) Gurbax Saini, on behalf of the Guru Nanak Sikh Temple Society, appeared before Council asking it donate 15 truckloads of recycled pavement for a project at the Guru Nanak Sikh Temple on Mackenzie Avenue
2) The City's Director of Protective Services (Fire Chief) Randy Isfeld appeared before Council to discuss the City’s emergency management plans, should the need to activate them ever arise


1) Council approved travel for Mayor and Councillors’ to attend the 2010 UBCM (Union of BC Municipalities) Annual Convention from September 27th to October 1st, 2010 at the Whistler Conference Centre in Whistler, BC.

2) Council approved the following request list of UBCM Provincial Minister meetings to be held at the 2010 UBCM Convention:

• Minister of Advanced Education and Labour Market Development - Labour Market Development & the Mining Sector
• Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General - Crime
• Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources – Prosperity Mine
• Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure – Mackenzie Ave/Highway 20 Intersection & Toop Rd and 11th Ave Intersection
• Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts – Station House Gallery
• Minister of Health Services or Interior Health – Youth addictions, Cariboo Memorial Hospital Master Plan, Drugs & Alcohol, Crime & Abuse

3) Council awarded the supply and installation to upgrade the existing dehumidification system at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to Fraser Valley Refrigeration Ltd. for the bid price of $57,692

4) Council approved the 2010 Terry Fox 5 km and 10 km Walk, Run or Bike Event on Sunday, September 19th, 2010. Mayor Cook or her alternate will be present to officially start the event

5) Council denied the request of Jake Ilnicki in his letter dated August 5, 2010 for financial sponsorship to the National Rugby Festival in Calgary, AB from August 12 to 17, 2010

6) Council received for information the report of the City’s Fire Chief regarding an overview of the City's emergency services mandates and preparedness for the current fire activity around our community

7) Council gave Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2119, 2010 (Westridge Ventures Ltd) second reading. The Public Hearing will be held on this application on Tuesday, September 7th, 2010 at 7:00pm in Council Chambers.

8) Council awarded the contract for the supply and installation of traffic signal light modifications at the intersection of Second Avenue and Oliver Street to Michael's Electric HDD for the bid price of $131,258

9) Council received a letter from the Williams Lake Stampede Association requesting authorization to erect an 8' by 8' Campground Sign West of the Welcome to Williams Lake / Rick Hansen sign site on Highway 97 South. Council will forward a letter to the Stampede Association advising them to contact the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval. Council will forward a letter to the Ministry to support the Stampede Association’s sign application, in accordance with the Ministry of Transportation’s policy on signage

10) Council received the report of the General Manager of Planning & Operations regarding parking at Big Mama’s Steakhouse and the owner of Big Mama’s will be encouraged to acquire property to expand their parking lot. Council will also write to the Ministry of Transportation asking they delay implementation of no-parking of Highway 97 shoulders’ until next year so a solution can be found to the parking woes for Big Mama’s Steakhouse

11) Council received for information a report from the Acting Social Development Manager regarding an update on approval of funding from Embrace BC for two community organizations involved in anti-racism projects

12) Council adopted Bylaw No. 2120, 2010 (Williams Lake Mackenzie Avenue Rehabilitation Project Temporary Borrowing)

13) A number of Committee of the Whole recommendations were adopted. Those included:

• Council received a draft Graffiti Bylaw and Staff were requested to prepare a community consultation plan with regard to this Bylaw and to report back to Committee of the Whole
• Council approved criteria for a Toilet Replacement Rebate Program which includes a $100 rebate for a 6 litre low-flush toilet or a $200 rebate for a three and six litre dual flush toilet with a maximum of two rebates per household
• Council authorized the use of the Williams Creek Valley West of the City's Sewage Treatment Plant for the dewatering of the plant's anaerobic cells
• Council authorized for sale of any surplus reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) materials from the Mackenzie Avenue Rehabilitation project at the following rates:
$5/Tonne for Non-Profit Organizations;
$10/Tonne for Small Volumes (5 Trucks Loads or Less); and
$7/Tonne for Large Volumes (Greater Than 5 Truck Loads

And Non-Profits receive up to 15 Truckloads of RAP free of charge – Councillor Hebert was opposed

• Council authorized Staff to establish a Heritage Registry and approval was given to place the ‘Station House Gallery’ on the Heritage Register. A Heritage Committee will be set up for review and consideration of future heritage registry items and other related heritage issues within the City of Williams Lake including the possible placing of ‘Potato House’ on the Heritage Registry

14) Council will enter a team in the 4th Annual "Scramble for Literacy" golf tournament at the Williams Lake Golf & Tennis Club on Saturday, August 14, 2010 and Council challenged City Staff, Firefighters and RCMP members to enter teams as well; and further, the community was encouraged to participate in this fundraising event.

15) Council received a letter from the South Cariboo Labour Council regarding support for a Resolution passed at the 2010 Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Convention calling for expansion of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) by increasing seniors' Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) by 15%. Council will also write a letter in support of the FCM Resolution to increase the GIS by 15% to the Provincial/Federal Finance Ministers

16) Council received a letter from the Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW) requesting support to improve the Canadian Postal Service Charter

17) Council gave approval to close the alley below Oliver Street which connects Third Avenue South and Fourth Avenue South for the Williams Lake & District Boys and Girls Club’s Annual Youth Street Party on August 13, 2010 from 5:00 PM to 11:00 PM

18) Council will write letters of support to the CRTC (Canadian Radio-TV & Telecommunications Commission) for both the renewal of Shaw Cablesystems G.P. cable license and for Shaw to acquire Can-West Global

19) Council proclaimed all Fridays’ as Red Fridays in support of the Canadian Forces and the community was asked to wear red on Fridays in support of the Canadian Forces

Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm and Council then went into an closed meeting, in accordance with Section 90(1g – litigation, potential or actual) of the Community Charter

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