Tuesday, August 3, 2010

New Arts Society issues a Call for Proposals

The new "Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society" was officially formed on Thursday, July 29th and called for a "Request for Proposals" for the following (from the Central Interior Regional Arts Council website):

Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society

The Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society, in partnership with the Cariboo Regional District and the City of Williams Lake, and with funding from 2010 Legacies Now, is undertaking the development of a cultural planning and implementation strategy to guide the operation of support services for arts and culture groups in the Central Cariboo.

The Society seeks proposals to assist in this work from qualified consultants. The consultant is expected to make recommendations on:

i) a coordination strategy for the existing arts and culture organizations as potential
clients of the Society, including specific activities and events;
ii) ways in which this strategy can develop and expand existing arts and culture
organizations and activities;
iii) a communications strategy for the Society to reach both clients and the general public;
iv) the processes and procedures required to implement a funding support program to be
administered by the Society;
v) a detailed plan for cultural workshops to be hosted by the Society, including content,
promotion/communication, cost and location;
vi) an operational needs assessment for the implementation of the regional arts and culture

Applicants should contact Graham Kelsey at gkelsey@xplornet.ca or (250) 243-2440 for
additional details. Deadline for submissions is August 17, 2010 and the project completion date is October 30, 2010.

Now - I'm not sure why the "supporters" of Arts and Culture on Wiliams Lake Council & the CRD Director for Electoral Area 'F' seem to think that not to continuously engage the public on the continuing work on the Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Function is not necessary but I seem to get the impression that they want money for their "Arts & Culture" pet projects and they don't care where it comes from and to ensure that the taxpayers' who give them that money stay happy.

I certainly don't see any value for money since I started to pay, as a taxpayer, into this Function in 2009 and I believe that Councillor Walters and her fellow "Arts and Culture" supporters on Williams Lake Council along with their partner - the CRD Director for Electoral Area 'F' and his Alternate Director don't care what the public has to say on making sure that the Function works for the entire public and to try to address the public's concerns with regard to this Function.

I certainly intend to get the local politicians to justify this Function to taxpayers' during the CRD 2011 Joint Town Hall meeting in Williams Lake after 2 full tax years of being taxed for support to Arts and Culture and what have City of WL & Electoral Area 'D', 'E' and 'F' taxpayers' gotten for that tax

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