Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Notes from Public Info Meeting - Wildfire Situation in Cariboo-Chilcotin

In Attendance:

CRD Area ‘D’ Director Deb Bischoff
CRD Area ‘E’ Director Steve Mazur
CRD Chair Al Richmond
City of WL Fire Chief Randy Isfeld
City of WL IT Manager Tom Chung
City of WL General Manager of Planning & Operations Geoff Goodall
City of WL Mayor Kerry Cook
BC Forest Service Staff
Local Media – Williams Lake Tribune, the Rush Radio Station, Shaw Cable, Cariboo Advisor
Approximately 33 Members of the Public

Meeting called to order at 7:35pm

CRD Chair Al Richmond gave opening comments

Darryl Orosz(Fire Center Manager) gave opening comments & overview of situation of fires in the region

• Dog Creek (Place Lake Complex) – 6,200 Hectares in size. Machine/Hand Guards in place. 74 Firefighters at this location

• Meldrum Complex – 15,000 Hectares in size. 214 firefighters at this site. Fire behaviour very active

• Pelican Lake Complex – 7,500 Hectares in size. 214 firefighters at this site. Fire behaviour very active

• Alexis Creek (Bull Canyon Complex) – Fire at 4 sites, sizes vary

• Weather is not helpful for fighting fires – gusty winds and sunny over next few days. Rain possible by the weekend

A Question and Answer Period ensued

Questions included:

• Status of Soda Creek Road Fire
• Mountain Pine Beetle as instigator of local fires
• Meldrum Complex – has it crossed the road
• Fire info slow in coming to area residents’
• Adequacy of fire protection resources to protect residents’ from wildfires
• Protocol for evacuees to return to their property
• Status of Evacuation Orders & Alerts
• Cariboo Regional District FM Transmitter online 102.3
• How to protect rural properties – discussion on FireSmart principles
• Definition of “Interface Fire”
• Fuel Management work, outside the fire season
• People not obeying an Evacuation Order

Meeting adjourned at 9:00pm

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