Thursday, August 19, 2010

Public Info Meeting at WL City Hall on Wildfire Situation - Morning Session


City of WL CAO Brian Carruthers
City of WL Mayor Kerry Cook
City of WL Councillors Laurie Walters & Natalie Hebert
CRD Area ‘D’ Director Deb Bischoff
CRD CAO Janis Bell
CRD Chair Al Richmond (entered meeting at 10:25am)
Corporal Marc Menard – WL RCMP
80+ Members of the Public

Meeting called to order at 9:58am

Mayor Cook gave opening comments including updated fire info - fire has not crossed the Fraser River

An Question and Answer Period ensued:

Questions included:

* Weather & Fire Situation
* Relative Humidity & Fire Situation
* Update on Dog Creek Rd Fire
* Update on Emergency Planning from City perspective
* 752 people registered through WL ESS
* Update on Fires near Rudy Johnson Bridge area & Meldrum Creek Rd
* Update from Guenter Weckerle (Woodland Manager - West Fraser) on fire preparations at West Fraser Plants in Williams Lake – North Mackenzie Avenue end.

* Accurate Fire Info
Website - or call (250) - 392-4283 or (250) - 392-3286

* Highway #20 Closure Update
* Registering via ESS online - Mayor Cook and City of WL CAO B. Carruthers to see about possibility on this item
* Mayor Cook reviewed what to do during an Evac Alert & Evac Order

Meeting adjourned @ 10:55am

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