Thursday, August 19, 2010

Public Info Meeting at WL City Hall on Wildfire Situation - Afternoon Session


CRD Area ‘D’ Director Deb Bischoff
City of WL CAO Brian Carruthers
City of WL Mayor Kerry Cook
City of WL Councillor Laurie Walters
Rick Roy – Shaw Cable
Cpl Marc Menard – Williams Lake RCMP
CRD Chair Al Richmond (entered meeting at 2:40pm)

80+ Members of the Public

Meeting called to order at 1:58pm

Mayor Cook gave opening comments and reviewed the current situation on weather & local fires including review of current evacuation alerts or orders

A Question/Answer Period ensued

Questions included:

• Evac Alert and those working in the City and arrangement/care of animals before properties go to Evac Order
• Status/Area of Meldrum Creek Complex Fire
• Air Quality issues in the City
• Access to Hospital restricted due to smoke
• State of Local Emergency declared in the City
• State of Municipal Infrastructure in case of loss of power
• Evac Plan in case of Evac Order declared in City of WL
• “1-Number” Phone System to contact those under either evac alert or evac order
• Best Method to get updated info on Wildfire Situation
Website – or Phone – (250) – 392-4283 or (250) 392-3286

Meeting adjourned at 3:00pm

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