Saturday, September 4, 2010

Council meets with Seniors' Advisory Council over Cariboo Lodge

From the City of Williams Lake (Note - this is as a result (in my opinion) of an article on a local news website on the issue of Cariboo Lodge & Williams Lake and Area Seniors' Advisory Council.  See the story here, however if Council's Sept 14th Committee of the Whole report on housing options includes different housing needs and priority housing projects, then I believe that would satisfy the Seniors' Advisory Council as long as Cariboo Lodge was identified as the #1 Housing Project priority in the City otherwise I believe seniors' will continue to be offended of the "foot-dragging" of Williams Lake Council)

"Williams Lake City Council received a delegation from the Seniors Advisory Committee at their August 31st Committee of the Whole meeting. The intention of the delegation was to provide Council with information regarding the need for senior’s housing in Williams Lake and to request Council to commit to a plan for the old Cariboo Lodge site that provides senior’s housing opportunities.

City staff is in the process of completing an evaluation of all housing needs in the City including seniors, special needs, low income and youth. “While Council recognizes the past contributions and initiatives of seniors in our community, it is important that people know the City is not disputing the housing needs of seniors in the City. However, we have a responsibility to understand and consider all housing needs before we make a case to the Province for increased subsidized housing,” states Mayor Cook.

The Cariboo Lodge site was purchased by the City three years ago from Interior Health, with the intent of developing the site in the future. How the site will be developed has not been determined by Council, recognizing that any form of subsidized housing will require the participation of the Province.

Councillor Natalie Hebert states, “Although municipalities do not have a mandate to provide social housing, we do have a responsibility to support and lobby for housing needs in our community. Based on our current evaluation of gaps and needs for social housing, we will be approaching the various levels of government to work with us to make appropriate housing available.”

The City looks forward to working with the Seniors Advisory Council and other stakeholders in identifying affordable housing solutions that meet the needs of all residents."

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