Saturday, September 4, 2010

Jordan Bateman disastrous blog entry & continued fall-out (call for BC Finance Minister to resign)

So, Thursday morning, you'll recall I blogged on the fact that Jordan Bateman (Township of Langley Councillor & out-going President for Rich Coleman's Constituency Association) calling for Finance Minister Colin Hansen to resign and then hours later, publicly apologized to him.  See his blog post and the 76 comments (so far) on it here

Last night (Friday), Global-BC reporter Brian Coxford went to the home of Jordan Bateman to get a comment as he has been refusing media calls to comment so far.  When the cameras were rolling, Mr. Bateman said, after Mr. Coxford said "You can't get away with no comment":

"I can get away with anything I want.....I can actually"

With that comment - I would like to think that his own residents' are not going to be happy with him.  In fact, later in the news piece, residents' in Langley that were interviewed thought Mr. Bateman conducted himself on the HST file poorly.  And now, Mr. Bateman, by his reckless actions, has given more fodder to the anti-HST forces including Bill Vander Zalm

I'm betting that Mr. Bateman wishes that the time machine had been undo the current and likely future damage he's done to the governing BC Liberals.

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