Thursday, October 28, 2010

Analysis of yesterday's BC Premier TV Speech

Last night, as all of my blog readers' know, BC Premier Gordon Campbell took to the airwaves in a 30 min speech on Global-BC.

You can read reviews of his TV Performance by Vaughn Palmer (Vancouver Sun political columnist) here
and Mike Smyth (Vancouver Province political columnist) here

This cost BC taxpayers' $240,000 and I thought the transcript of his speech (I was unable to see the video personally, due to a meeting that I was at) was truly sad.  The only good thing (if you want to call it that) was the tax break of 15% announced last night for anyone making up to $72,000.  The money for the TV Speech and tax cuts, in my view, could have been better used for public services and paying down the provincial deficit, just like the Premier and Finance Minister Colin Hansen have promised previously.  The old saying of - just because you have left-over money doesn't mean you should go out and spend it - seems to apply here

Other than the tax break, it was a very poor performance by the Premier who really needed to make a grand slam.  His utter defense of the HST was truly disappointing and should clearly tell British Columbians that he doesn't care about your concerns on the HST.  And I suspect that voters' in Oak-Bay - Gordon Head, Kamloops-North Thompson and Cariboo-Chilcotin will now get even more galvanized for the recall campaigns commencing January 1st, 2011

Will Gordon Campbell survive a leadership vote on November 19th/20th at the BC Liberals' Convention..?  I would say "stay tuned".  If he survives, then I predict that BC Liberals' supporters, like myself, may decide to stay home rather than help a sinking ship.

Bottom Line - An 'F' for performance and will make the fledging BC Conservatives look more & more attractive for disgruntled BC Liberal supporters' or centre-right voters'

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