Thursday, October 28, 2010

CRD Finance/Budget Meeting #1 (2011 Budget) Highlights - Oct 28th


Chair A. Dumaresq and Directors T. Armstrong, R. Faust, J. Massier, D. Bischoff, A. Richmond, J. Glassford, A. Bracewell, R. Mumford, B.Rattray, M. Campsall and Alternate Directors G. Davidson (Area ‘E’), Joan Sorley (Area ‘F’) and Sue Zacharias (City of WL)


Directors' Jay Vermette (District of Wells) and Mary Sjostrom (City of Quesnel)

Staff Present:

Janis Bell – CAO
Rick Hodgson – Deputy CAO
Alice Johnston – Corporate Officer
Mitch Minchau – Environmental Services Manager

Meeting called to order at 9:35am

Agenda adopted

The CAO gave a Powerpoint Presentation on the initial 2011 Budget including:

• Requisition Increases/Decreases in 2011
• New Service in 2011 – Central Cariboo HandyDART - $19,700
• Summary of Requisition (difference) to date - $339,000 (Requisition in 2010 - $20,668,584. In 2011 (proposed to date) - $21,007,584).
• 2011 Grants-for-Assistance Review
• Review of Tax Requisition from 2004 to 2014 (projected)

1) Corporate Priorities – Level 2

The CAO reviewed the memo from the Corporate Officer
Discussion ensued thereon on reviewing all Level 2 Corporate Priorities

Committee Action – Remove Level 2 Corporate Priorities item number 4.5 & a letter be written to the Transportation Minister for an update on Item 7.2 (property for community greenbelt & Heritage Park at 150 Mile House)

Area ‘J’ Director Alex Bracewell left the meeting

The Chair declared a 10-minute recess at 10:55am
The meeting resumed at 11:10am

2) Request to Remove item for Level 3 Corporate Priority List

The CAO reviewed the memo from the Communications Manager
Discussion ensued thereon

Committee Action – Board Resolution # 10-05A-31 (Planning Brochures List & Creation of Posters) be made a Level Two Corporate Priority

3) Corporate Priorities – Level 3

The CAO reviewed the Corporate Officer’s memo with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon on reviewing all Level 3 Corporate Priorities

Committee Action – Remove Level 3 Corporate Priority Item #1.2

4) Budget 2011 – Fire Chiefs Workshop

Committee Action – CRD staff’s request for additional funding of $4,000 to the 2011 Fire Chiefs’
Workshop budget, to celebrate the 20 year anniversary of this event be approved

5) Community Works Funding for 2011

The Environment Services Manager reviewed his memo with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

The Chair declared a lunch break at 12:15pm
The meeting resumed at 12:45pm

Committee Action – That the Board approve the distribution of Community Works Funds for the following 2011 projects as follows:

1) 108 Water treatment plant, assessment and design - $300,000
2) Quesnel landfill new scale facility annual contribution - $75,293
3) Tire recycling area at the Central Cariboo Refuse transfer
station- $5,000
4) Tire recycling area at the South Cariboo landfill- $7,000
5) Expansion of the Big Lake landfill - $30,000
6) Expansion of the Watch Lake landfill - $30,000
7) Re-development of the Kleena Kleene landfill - $35,000
8) Energy improvements at major recreation facilities - $410,000
9) Green Community projects - $158,000
10) Energy improvements, lighting, furnaces and insulation at several rural libraries - $82,000
11) Replacement of high-energy consuming computer and server equipment with energy star units - $227,000
12) Energy plan for all CRD facilities - $200,000
13) Detailed engineering for Phase 1 Mountview water and sewer - $340,000
14) Highway #20 Solar Lighting for key intersections & Transfer Stations - $50,000
15) Toilet & Shower Replacement Incentives for CRD Water Service Areas - $50,000
16) Community Heating - $50,000

And that Staff be requested to follow up with BC Hydro/Terasen Gas for free energy audits at CRD Buildings

6) Financial/Staff Resources to accommodate FN Discussions – Board Resolution

The Deputy CAO reviewed his memo with the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Committee Action – Memo received

Review of 2011 Business & Financial Plans:

a) Discussion on 911 Service & Variable Tax Rates – late memo from CAO

Committee Action – Modification Option #2 & Requisition for 2011 remain the same and look at “Improvements Only” in 2012

b) Discussion on Requisition Increases greater than 1.5% (based on hand-out given to Directors’ at beginning of meeting)

General Review of South Cariboo Rural Refuse, Heritage, South Cariboo Rec Programming Functions

Committee Action – Refer issue of deficit in South Cariboo Rural Refuse Function to next South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting.

c) Discussion on Requisition Increases of 1.25%

Review of General Admin, Central Cariboo Arts and Culture, Area ‘B’ & ‘F’ Opportunity Funds, Emergency Planning, South Cariboo Transit, South Cariboo Curling Rink, 100 Mile Fire Protection, Alexis Creek Water/Sewer Functions

Committee Actions

a) Refer Requisition in 2011 for Central Cariboo Arts & Culture back to Central Cariboo Joint Committee.
b) Accept changes to proposed 2011 Budget
c) Refer increase from $120 to $185 for “Budget Day” to Policy/Procedures Committee
d) Refer increase in 2011 Central Cariboo Victim Services Budget to Central Cariboo Joint Committee (Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff opposed)

Meeting adjourned at 3:02pm

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