Monday, October 4, 2010

City of WL Staff email-trigger happy...?

On September 29th, Council gave approval unanimously, via electronic mail, to Williams Lake City Staff to pull $290,000 from the Cameron Street Reconstruction Project Budget to allow for the paving on several streets in the City in October including:

• Comer Street from Mackenzie Avenue to Sixth Avenue North
• Sixth Avenue North from Comer Street to Gibbon Street
• Third Avenue North from Proctor Street to Cameron Street
• Fourth Avenue North from Gibbon Street to Comer Street
• Oliver Street from Eighth Avenue South to Mart Street
• Fourth Avenue South from Mackenzie Avenue to Oliver Street
• Boundary Street from Pigeon Avenue to Mackenzie Avenue
• Western Avenue from Levens Street to Midnight Avenue
• Western Avenue from Carson Drive to Highway 97

This email poll is up for ratification at Tuesday's WL Council meeting however City of WL Corporate Services put out a press release late Monday announcing the paving of the above streets and to warn residents' about pending delays on the above mentioned streets. 

However, I'm of the opinion that the release of the press release was premature as Council has not formally ratified their email poll of September 29th.  Had the press release been issued Wednesday morning, then nobody, myself included, would have cause to complain.   I intend to publish the press release on Wednesday morning, after Williams Lake City Council formally ratifies their September 29th email poll.  This principle is in accordance with how most Councils' in the Province and our local Cariboo Regional District Board conducts emergency matters - agree to a matter via email and then ratify the email poll at the next available CRD Board meeting

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