Friday, November 19, 2010

CRD Board Meeting Highlights - Nov 19th


Chair A. Richmond and Directors T. Armstrong, R. Faust, J. Massier, D. Bischoff, S. Mazur, A. Dumaresq, J. Glassford, A. Bracewell, R. Mumford, B. Rattray, M. Sjostrom, M. Campsall, K. Cook and Area ‘F’ Alternate Director J. Sorley

Staff Present:

Janis Bell – CAO
Rick Hodgson – Deputy CAO
Alice Johnston – Corporate Officer
Rick Brundrige – Manager of Planning Services
Graham Barbour – Manager of Bylaw Enforcement (entered meeting at 9:59am, left meeting at 10:26am)

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Agenda Adopted
Minutes of Oct 29th CRD Board meeting adopted


1) Board received the updated Delegations MOB (Memo of Business) as at Nov 19th
2) Board added CCBAC as a delegation in early 2011
3) CRD Planning Bylaws #4650-4654, 2010 were given 1st and 2nd reading (New 108 Resort Inc – Area G)
4) Board changed Board Resolution #10-10B-50 (3rd Reading of CRD Planning Bylaw # 4612, 2010) to read: - Area ‘L’

(1) prohibit any further construction or development on that approximate 0.436 ha portion of that part of the common property on Plan EPS174 located south of Hwy 24 and north of the natural boundary of Lac Des Roches (the proposed “Common Property”).

5) Board rescinded Resolution #09-09A-19 and gave new approval for DVP #455-2010 – Area L
6) Board deferred consideration of DVP Application #470 for 6 months – Area H
7) Board authorized Chair Richmond to write Interior Health expressing concerns around provided comments on Planning Applications
8) Board deferred consideration DVP Application #473 to December 10th, 2010 – Area F
9) Board approved ALR Application #F255 for submission to the Provincial ALC with a recommendation to approve – Area F
10) Board agreed to amend Policy #4 – Appendix E of the Heritage Implementation Plan as follows:

“4. The Cariboo Regional District will provide an annual budget to support the mandate of the Heritage Steering Committee.” And all references in Appendix E to ‘Heritage Commission’ were amended to read ‘Heritage Steering Committee’

Area ‘I’ Director Jim Glassford opposed

11) Board received from CRD Staff a memo re: Remote Community Implementation Program
12) Board approved 1 Notice on Titles in Area H and the Notice on Title in Area I was deferred for 60 days
13) Board received Building Stats for September and October 2010
14) Board granted a 5-day time extension for a Remedial Action Order in Area L
15) Board received Water and Sewer Projects report
16) Board changed CRD Policy No. 99-7-17 to read as follows:
“ Upon completion of the Cariboo Regional District public tendering policy, an initial contract when awarded shall not exceed a three-year period. Contracts may be renewed for an additional term of no more than two years, at the sole discretion of the Cariboo Regional District, provided no increase is requested. Prior to completion of the term, the contract shall be extended or tendered 4 months prior to expiry, when warranted.”
17) Board authorized a letter of support to the School District to submit a grant application for funding to perform upgrades to kitchens, to develop or upgrade community gardens, or to develop community trails or green spaces at schools within the school district with respect to the UBCM (Union of BC Muncipalities) School Connections Program
18) Board permitted the authorized signatories to sign a property transfer agreement for Ranger Park Ball Fields (Barlow Creek Recreation – Area C)
19) Board authorized, as per CRD Board Policy No. 06-05A-24, CRD Staff to purchase gifts for Area ‘L’ Director Rattray to present to these members (Deka Lake Fire Commission) on behalf of the Cariboo Regional District.
20) Board ratified Cheque Register for October 2010 in the amount of $2,438,319.46
21) Board authorized the Area ‘D’ Director to access funds from her Area ‘D’ Opportunity Fund for the McLeese Lake Annual Community Christmas dinner in the amount of $75.00
22) Board received a request from Area ‘C’ Director John Massier from the Fraser Basin Council to designate the Pacific Salmon as a official symbol in BC and that the request from the Fraser Basin Council (designation of Pacific Salmon as official symbol in BC) was endorsed by the Board
23) Board gave permission to allow the Big Lake Community Association to apply to the Community Entrance Signing Program through the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure.
24) Board received Level Corporate Priorities List as of Nov 19th
25) Board received/endorsed the Prioritized List of Board Resolutions as of Nov 19th
26) Board received the Consent Calendar as of Nov 19th
27) Board received 4 letters from Minister Ben Stewart re: 2010 UBCM, Canada Post re: preserving the Canadian Mail system, BC Attorney-General Mike De Jong re: criminal activity/police levels in the Cariboo Regional District and the UBCM President re: 2010 Resolution on Local Gov’t General Election dates
28) Board received a quarterly report on the Grant Writer Support Program
29) Board received minutes from the Parkland Recreation Commission of October 18th and the Anahim Lake Airport Commission of October 21st
30) Board received minutes from Oct 25th South Cariboo Rural Caucus meeting and endorsed the recommendations from that meeting
31) Board received minutes from the Oct 27th Central Cariboo/City of WL Joint Committee Meeting and endorsed all recommendations, as amended.
32) Board received minutes from the Oct 27th Central Cariboo Rural Caucus and endorsed all recommendations from that meeting
33) Board received minutes from Oct 28th Finance/Budget Committee meeting and endorsed all recommendations from that meeting

Meeting recessed at 10:57am
Meeting resumed at 11:07am

At 11:07am, John Betts (Executive Director – Western Silvicultural Contractors’ Association) appeared before the Board to discuss silvicultural activities within the Cariboo region

A Question and Answer period ensued
Chair Richmond, on behalf of the Board, thanked Mr. Betts for his presentation

Meeting recessed for lunch at 11:58am
Meeting resumed at 12:38pm

34) Board received minutes from Nov 10th South Cariboo Joint Committee meeting and endorsed all recommendations from that meeting
35) Board authorized Area C Director John Massier to attend the “Invasion of the Aliens” IPCBC 2011 Forum to be held on January 18-19, 2011 in Richmond, BC
36) Board rescinded 3rd reading of CRD Bylaw #4617 and re-read the bylaw a 3rd time as there was a technical error in the Bylaw regarding how taxes are collected and needed to be corrected(South Cariboo Recreation Service – Amendment)

Directors made oral reports on issues or events in their Electoral Area or Municipality

Board agreed to write 4 letters:

1) Letter to Ottawa requesting clarification on rejection of Prosperity Mine proposal (Area 'D' Director Deb Bischoff opposed)
2) Letter to Robin Hood thanking him for his service on the Electoral Area 'F' Advisory Planning Commission
3) Letter to Janine North (Executive Director - Northern Trust) congratulating her on her recent 2 year appointment to the BC Hydro Board of Directors'
4) Letter to NAV Canada re: reinforcement of Cariboo-Chilcotin Region's wish to have Williams Lake Regional Airport's Flight Service Station continued operation

Meeting adjourned at 1:30pm

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