Friday, November 19, 2010

Lots of Provincial Political News (Updated)

Mike Smyth from the Vancouver Province reviews on-going battle between Kootenay-East MLA Bill Bennett & BC Premier Gordon Campbell - see here

Vaughn Palmer from the Vancouver Sun also reviews the on-going battle between Kootenay-East MLA Bill Bennett and BC Premier Gordon Campbell - see here

Kootenay-West MLA Katrine Conroy quits as NDP Caucus Chair - see here (Province reports that Vancouver-Mount Pleasant MLA Jenny Kwan, North Island MLA and the BC Legislature's Assistant Deputy Speaker Claire Trevena and Saanich-South MLA Lana Popham support Ms. Conroy's decision to step down as BC NDP Caucus Whip

As I feared, Bill Bennett is now an Independent MLA for Kootenay-East after being thrown out of BC Liberal Caucus - see here

Finally - a poll came out today stating that NDP have only a 7 point lead on BC Liberals.  Even Carole James's support level came down as well.  It'll be interesting to see if the poll results & Katrine Conroy's resignation as Caucus Whip have a bearing on this weekend's BC NDP Provincial Council meeting.

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