Thursday, November 25, 2010

Mayor Cook goes to Ottawa over Prosperity Mine

From the City of Williams Lake:

Mayor Kerry Cook will be in Ottawa Monday, Nov. 29, to ask federal ministers to provide clarification on the Nov. 2 federal decision to deny approval of the Prosperity mine project, and to determine the way forward for the project.

“For as long as the proponent, Taseko Mines Ltd., sees a way for this project go ahead, the City will not give up,” Mayor Cook says. “It’s important for Ottawa to understand how important this project is for the Cariboo.”

Mayor Cook will join Members of Parliament Dick Harris (Cariboo-Prince George) and Cathy McLeod (Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo), Cariboo Chilcotin MLA Donna Barnett, and representatives of the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce to meet with Environment John Baird and Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Gail Shea.

Mayor Cook will ask the ministers to provide specific reasons for the government’s no decision on the mine, and ask them to work with Taseko Mines to determine an acceptable proposal. In announcing the no decision, the government said the project could not proceed “as proposed.”

In addition to the meetings, Mayor Cook will deliver a letter addressed to Prime Minister Stephen Harper and signed by the mayors of Williams Lake, Quesnel, 100 Mile House, Wells, and the chair of the Cariboo Regional District asking for the government’s co-operation in moving the project past the no decision.
“We believe that the Prosperity mine still represents an opportunity for the residents of Williams Lake and the Cariboo Chilcotin,” Mayor Cook says. “This trip to Ottawa is to make sure we continue to work to make that opportunity a reality.”

Mayor Cook says that the City is willing to work to bring all parties back to the table to address the environmental and aboriginal concerns. “Seeking clarification is the first step,” she says.


  1. Its funny, when something smart and right is done by Mayor and Council is done you say nothing, and yet jump all over anything you deem wrong....your credibility slips every day....

  2. And i see by the lack of response a nerve has been hit?

  3. In fact didn't you go on record supporting the mine (both on your blog and in the media), and indicated that saying "no" was a poor decision. Now if i wanted to make sure everything was done to get a yes out of this no, id be doing EXACTLY what the Mayor and others are doing to try and bring economic viability to this community.

  4. Thanks for the comments...

    I've been out of "communications" range for a couple of days but now I'm in a position to address the previous comments

    This blog is not a cheerleader for Mayor Cook, if you seen my previous posts about her. If you are looking for Mayor Cook cheerleaders - I'd suggest you see City Councillors' Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias, I'm sure they'll be glad to tell you what a great job Kerry Cook is doing as Mayor. I'm sorry that you think my credibility is shot, but I plan to continue to let any of my blog readers' know when I disagree with WL Council. If you don't like what you see her, you are free to read elsewhere. And no, I'm not bothered by criticism unless it is too personal in nature for a constructive dialogue to take place

    As Mayor Cook's trip to Ottawa - yes, I'm glad to see that she is still promoting Prosperity Mine as she or future Williams Lake Mayors' should as Williams Lake will get the spin-off of Prosperity Mines, when/if it occurs. I would point out however that some in our community that I've heard from or seen at WL feel that Mayor Cook could have saved money and done the same type of lobbying via telephone or even videoconference for a fraction of the $2000 that will be spent for next week's trip to Ottawa and still accomplish the same goal. Also - WL Council needs to be just as vocal about other economic development initiatives so that if Prosperity doesn't go ahead, there are other economic things to take up the slack

    Just sayin....

  5. Speculate all you want Steve, face to face has way more impact and is proven empirically.

    Problem is Steve, in regards to your credibility, all you do is complain and never acknowledge anyone other than a certain councilor for doing a "good job"...and thats where your credibility dies. I have never seen, even with my disgust with Campbell, him do 100% wrong. Campbell has done some things right and while i am an ardent supporter of a conservative movement in this province, i would be a fool not to say some of the things he did were correct.
